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"Howdy! Ol' Hutch here, with love and good cheer, at the ripe young age of 94! Jes' droppin' in to say 'muchas gracias' to all the friends of Western Clippings, for your steadfast loyalty and concern. I'm alive and well...and still practicin' my fast draw! I'm a leetle slower at gettin' on my hoss! Adios for now, but remember...The West Shall Rise Again...and so shall the yeast! Yeee-Hawww!"


Merry Christmas! Check out our latest Gallery of Western Treasures #168 as of December 12, 2024.


Just added Do You Remember-"The Alaskans" as of November 2, 2024.

Just added many new books, comic books, photos, music, pinbacks, BLBs, trading cards, DVDs and other items to our Miscellaneous Collectibles sections.

Just added 100s of Western 8x10" movie stills for sale. Three pages...Look under Collectibles For Sale.


Just added many Western pressbooks for sale. Check 'em out, listed under Miscellaneous Collectibles.


NOW AVAILABLE! Boyd Magers’ 10th book!
WESTERNS (1949-2001) covers the 50 year evolution of the
Western on TV from 1949 to 2001.
196 series, 464 pages with over 1,600 images and photos.
Organized chronologically, each series researched thoroughly with
stars, network affiliation, times and days of the week aired, number
of episodes, color or b/w, start and end dates, network competition,
directors, producers and writers. Virtually every series includes
quotes and anecdotes from the stars and guest stars.
Also themesong lyrics, information on special guns used, samples of
actual script pages, filming locations, newspaper advertising, logos
and loads of series trivia.
Forewords by James Drury, Robert Fuller, Clint Walker,
Henry Darrow, Don Collier and Will Hutchins.
$59.95 plus $8 postage in the U.S. Check or money order to

ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87123-4321
or by Paypal $70.40 to orders@westernclippings.com


Check out hundreds of B-Western and TV star autographs for sale...along with a few silent actors. Go to Miscellaneous Collectibles and then Autographs.



Ring Master

Check out: "Circus Cowboys" a special category in our "Articles" section. Scroll down in the section for all the circus history of Tom Mix, Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson, Jack Hoxie, Buck Jones, Tim McCoy and many more.



Latest AnnouncementsWelcome to Western Clippings, an online supplement to our print version of WESTERN CLIPPINGS which is now in its 30th year. (Click on “Subscribe to WESTERN CLIPPINGS” in our menu.)

This website will be a frequently updated, evolving site, with new articles, reviews and sales items added continually. Look for new articles and photos in the “Do You Remember…”, “Comic Book Cowboys”, “Will Hutchins—A Touch of Hutch”, “Serial Report”, “Characters and Heavies”, “An Interview With…”, “Best and Worst of the Silent Westerns” and “Western Treasures” sections to be added regularly, with already posted articles always available in our archives for each section.

Sales material—original movie posters (western and non-western), lobby cards, and much more are available for purchase as well as superb high quality laser copies made from our extensive collection of over 5,000 western lobby cards. We also have toys, books, magazines, collectibles and miscellaneous other memorabilia for sale. We hope you’ll keep coming back to this site as new material will be added to all categories continually.

We also have a section enabling you to order direct from us several of our books devoted to westerns. You may also subscribe to our print edition of WESTERN CLIPPINGS and purchase available back issues of WC.

We hope you’ll put www.westernclippings.com into your “Favorites” and visit us often.

Thanx and enjoy—

Boyd Magers signature

Boyd Magers












© Entire contents of this website and all pages copyright by Boyd Magers 2008-2023.


2/7/25—The striking Olive Sturgess, 91, died February 19 in L.A. Born in Ocean Falls, British Columbia, Canada, she came to Hollywood in 1954 and was signed to Universal in her early 20s. Her TV Western work was extensive..."Tales of Wells Fargo", "Cheyenne", "Sugarfoot", "Buckskin", "Have Gun Will Travel", "Lawman", "Rawhide", "The Rebel", "Texan", "U.S. Marshal", "Laramie", "Maverick", "Tall Man", "Wagon Train", "Whispering Smith", "Bonanza", "Outlaws", "Wide Country", "Destry", "Virginian", "Bronco" and "Requiem for a Gunfighter" in 1965 with Rod Cameron and Tim McCoy.

2/7/25—The lovely Jan Shepard, 96, died January 17 in Burbank, CA. She guest starred in nearly every TV Western that aired from 1954 to 1973. Interview with Jan and more in WC Special #9 (due out in late March).

11/27/24— Earl Holliman, 96, best known to TV Western watchers for starring in "Hotel de Paree" and "Wide Country". died November 25 in Studio City, CA. He also guested on other TVers including "Gunsmoke", "Bonanza" and "The Virginian". On the big screen he had roles in "Giant", "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral", "Last Train From Gun Hill" and "Sons of Katie Elder.

12/27/24—Geoffrey Deuel, 81, best known in Westerns for his role as Billy the Kid in John Wayne's "Chisum", died December 22.