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Daily Black and White Newspaper Comic Strips for Sale

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Final count on strips is subject to slight errors. Refunds are issued for any shortage. Any overage you will be notified.

$7 postage/packing will be added to all U.S. orders up to 12 oz. Extra postage may apply for packages over 12 oz.. We will notify you of any extra postage due.

For foreign postage please contact us and we will notify you by email of your shipping charges based on weight of item(s) purchased. You will then be asked to remit the postage through our Paypal address.

If you’d rather, you may order anything on this page by check or money order. Be sure to enclose $7 postage in the U.S. If over 12 oz. you will be billed for the extra cost.

Black and White Daily Newspaper Strips

Page 2: 1950-1979
(1910-1949 on Page 1)

We have literally thousands of newspapers from 1910-1980s with Daily comic strips that can be clipped to your needs. Please let us know your wants. We price strips extremely reasonable. More strips will be added to this page on a regular basis. We also can prepare ‘comic’ strip grab bags. 200 daily or 100 Sunday humorous strips for $6 each plus shipping from most any year.

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Item Description
1950: Abbie and Slats (4) $.35
1950: Alley Oop (150) (Jan thru June) $15
1950: Barney Google (150) (Jan thru June) $15
1950: Boots (150) (Jan thru June) $10
1950: Brick Brandford (150) (Jan thru June) $15
1950: Bugs Bunny (2) $.20
1950: Buz Sawyer (1) $.10
1950: Freckles (150) (Jan thru June) $16.50
1950: Gumps (1) $.25
1950: Joe Palooka (2) $.20
1950: Kerry Drake (1) $.10
1950: Li'l Abner (100) (March thru June) $7
1950: Little Orphan Annie (1) $.10
1950: Mutt and Jeff (1) $.15
1950: Nancy (150) (Jan thru June) $10
1950: Ozark Ike (1) $.10
1950: Phantom (1) $.10
1950: Rip Kirby (2) $.20
1950: Smilin' Jack (3) $.25
1950: Superman (#3623) (1) $.25
1950: Terry and the Pirates (4) $.35
1950: Vic Flint (1) $.10
1951: Abbie and Slats (117) $9
1951: Aggie Mack (24) $1.40
1951: Archie (49) $3
1951: Beetle Bailey (11) $.85
1951: Big Sister (14) $1
1951: Blondie (5) $.50
1951: Boots (14) $.85
1951: Brick Bradford (2) $.20
1951: Buck O'Rue (37) $5.25
1951: Bugs Bunny (65) $3.90
1951: Casey Ruggles (1) $.15
1951: Curly Kayoe (4) $.30
1951: Cynthia (49) $3
1951: Danny Hale (50) $3
1951: Dickie Dare (14) $2
1951: Dick Tracy (4) $.35
1951: Ella Cinders (190) $16.75
1951: Etta Kett (13) $.80
1951: Flash Gordon: 10 1/4 x 2 inch book of dailies by Dan Barry from November 1951 to April 1953. Also surviving layout roughs by Harvey Kurtzman, pencilled strips by Frank Frazetta. 136 pages $13
1951: Freckles (14) $1.25
1951: Gordo (4) $.30
1951: Grandma (210) $14.50
1951: Henry (14) $.85
1951: Homer Hoopee (12) $.70
1951: Hopalong Cassidy (2) $.50
1951: In Convention Assembled (7) $.35
1951: Kerry Drake (94) $6.60
1951: Little Audrey (13) $.90
1951: Little Debbie (1) $.10
1951: Little Orphan Annie (178) $10.70
1951: Mandrake the Magician (212) $21.25
1951: Mark Trail (78) $4
1951: Mary Worth (69) $6.90
1951: Mickey Finn (12) $.70
1951: Muggs and Skeeter (13) $.90
1951: My Friend Irma (12) $1.20
1951: Nancy (39) $2.35
1951: Oh Dina (12) $.75
1951: Ozark Ike (32) $1.90
1951: Peanuts (1) $.10
1951: Priscilla's Pop (14) $.85
1951: Rip Kirby (131) $9.20
1951: Rusty Riley (11) $1
1951: Sandy Hill (79) $5.50
1951: Scorchy Smith (14) $1.15
1951: Secret Agent X-9 (99) $10
1951: Smilin' Jack (67) $5.40

1951: Steve Canyon (120)

1951: Steve Roper (8) $1.45
1951: Terry and the Pirates (227) $16
1951: Tim Tyler's Luck (1) $.10
1951: Vic Flint (15) $.90
1951: Wash Tubbs (14) $1
1952: Abbie and Slats (10) $.80
1952: Big Ben Bolt (1) $.10
1952: Blade Winters (4) $.35
1952: Boots (March-Dec.) (259) $18.20
1952: Brick Bradford (4) $.40
1952: Bugs Bunny (7) $.40
1952: Chris Welkin, Planeteer (3) $.50
1952: Curly Kayoe (13) $1
1952: Dick Tracy (14) $1.10
1952: Dixie Dugan (5) $.30
1952: Ella Cinders (174) $14
1952: Flash Gordon (106) $9.50
1952: Freckles (March-Dec.) (259) $26
1952: Gordo (13) $.90
1952: Grandma (158) $9.50
1952: Hopalong Cassidy (3) $.75
1952: Jane Arden (95) $6.70
1952: Joe Palooka (9) $.55
1952: Kerry Drake (9) $.60
1952: Lil Abner (March-Dec.) (262) $18.35
1952: Little Debbie (1) $.10
1952: Little Lulu (3) $.15
1952: Little Orphan Annie (121) $7.25
1952: Mandrake the Magician (160) $16
1952: Mary Worth (6) $.50
1952: Nancy (March-Dec.) (262) $18.35
1952: Peanuts (3) $.20
1952: Phantom (2) $.20
1952: Rip Kirby (115) $8
1952: Sandy Hill (3) $.15
1952: Secret Agent X-9 (108) $10.80
1952: Smitty (14) $.85
1952: Snuffy Smith/Barney Google (March-Dec.) (261) $26.10
1952: Steve Canyon (127) $10.25
1952: Steve Roper (5) $.90
1952: Terry and the Pirates (184) $13
1952: Tim Tyler's Luck (1) $.10
1952: Tom Corbett Space Cadet (1) $.50
1952: Twin Earths (1) $.15
1952: Vic Flint (2) $.20
1953: Abbie and Slats (128) $10.80
1953: Alley Oop (50) $5
1953: Beetle Bailey (7) $.50
1953: Blondie (1) $.10
1953: Boots (206) (July-Dec) $16.35
1953: Brick Bradford (3) $.30
1953: Buggs Bunny (10) $.50
1953: Buz Sawyer (48) $4.80
1953: Dick Tracy (1) $.10
1953: Ella Cinders (212) $17
1953: Fearless Fosdick (2) $.30
1953: Flash Gordon (99) $9.65
1953: Freckles (205) (July-Dec) $16.35
1953: Gasoline Alley (1) $.10
1953: Grandma (204) $16
1953: Heart of Juliet Jones (193) $21.35
1953: Henry (7) $.40
1953: Hopalong Cassidy (198) $39.75
1953: I Love Lucy (16) $3.50
1953: Jane Arden (215) $16
1953: Joe Palooka (1) $.10
1953: Kerry Drake (11) $.75
1953: King of the Royal Mounted (22) $2.20
1953: Lil Abner (202) (July-Dec) $16.35
1953: Little Debbie (104) (March/April, Sept./Oct.) $7.25
1953: Little Lulu (122) $9.75
1953: Little Orphan Annie (133) $10.65
1953: Lone Ranger (64) $6.25
1953: Mandrake (220) $20
1953: Martha Wayne (154) (July-Dec) $12.50
1953: Mary Worth (10) $.90
1953: Mickey Finn (10) $.65
1953: Myrtle (104) (March/April, Sept./Oct.) $6.60
1953: Nancy (206) (July-Dec) $16.75
1953: Phantom (3) $.30
1953: Popeye (74) (March/April, Sept.) $7.40
1953: Priscilla's Pop (6) $.35
1953: Rip Kirby (129) $11.65
1953: Secret Agent X-9 (127) $13
1953: Snuffy Smith (204) (July-Dec) $16.40
1953: Steve Canyon (289) $23
1953: Terry and the Pirates (218) $18
1953: Tim Tyler's Luck (6) $.60
1953: Vic Flint (11) $.95
1953: Wash Tubbs (9) $.75
1954: Abbie and Slats (approx. 250) $20
1954: Alley Oop (230) $23
1954: Beetle Bailey (341) $30
1954: Big Sister (68) $4
1954: Blondie (50) $9
1954: Boots (284) $17
1954: Brick Bradford (13) $1.30
1954: Bringing Up Father (50) $9
1954: Buz Sawyer (193) $19.30
1954: Dick Tracy (3) $.25
1954: Ella Cinders (86) $6.90
1954: Etta Kett (66) $4
1954: Fearless Fosdick Wildroot ads (16) $1.30
1954: Flash Gordon (33) $3
1954: Freckles (172) $14
1954: Grandma (88) $5.30
1954: Heart of Juliet Jones (over 300) $42
1954: Hopalong Cassidy (9) $2.25
1954: I Love Lucy (46) $10
1954: Jane Arden (84) $5.85
1954: Judge Parker (1) $.15
1954: King of the Royal Mounted (10) $1
1954: Lil Abner (264) $24
1954: Little Annie Rooney (50) $9
1954: Little Debbie (44) $3.20
1954: Little Orphan Annie (approx. 250) $15
1954: Lone Ranger (29) $2
1954: Mandrake (85) $8.50
1954: Martha Wayne (105) $8.50
1954: Mary Worth (38) $3.40
1954: Mickey Finn (59) $3.50
1954: Mike Hammer (19) $6.50
1954: Muggs and Skeeter (13) $.90
1954: Myrtle (209) $12.50
1954: Nancy (105) $10.50
1954: Ozark Ike (17) $1
1954: Peanuts (3) $.20
1954: Phantom (108) $8
1954: Priscilla's Pop (49) $3
1954: Rip Kirby (264) $18.50
1954: Secret Agent X-9 (224) $23
1954: Sherlock Holmes (1) (plus ad for strip) $.50
1954: Snuffy Smith (226) $16
1954: Steve Canyon (approx. 250) $20
1954: Terry and the Pirates (215) $15
1954: Vic Flint (60) $3.50
1954: Wash Tubbs (1) $.10
1955: Abbie and Slats (142) $12
1955: Alley Oop (298) $30
1955: Beetle Bailey (322) $25.75
1955: Big Sister (48) $3
1955: Boots (208) $16.60
1955: Brick Bradford (3) $.30
1955: Buck Ryan (4) $.40
1955: Bugs Bunny (54) $3.75
1955: Buz Sawyer (157) $16
1955: Davy Crockett (89) $9
1955: Dick Tracy (44) $4.50
1955: Donald Duck (1) (1/12/55)) $.25
1955: Ella Cinders (83) $6.65
1955: Etta Kett (142) $8.50
1955: Flutters, The (3) $.20
1955: Freckles (301) $24
1955: Grandma (51) $4
1955: Heart of Juliet Jones (157) $19
1955: Henry (136) $8.25
1955/1956: Hopalong Cassidy (8) $2
1955: I Love Lucy (4) $.80
1955: Jane Arden (4) $.30
1955: Lil Abner (252) $20.25
1955: Little Orphan Annie (206) $16.50
1955: Lolly (2) $.20
1955: Lone Ranger (143) $14
1955: Long Sam (8) $.65
1955: Mandrake (4) $.40
1955: Mark Trail (45) $3.15
1955: Martha Wayne (296) $24
1955: Mary Worth (216) $17.30
1955: Mr. Rumbles (5) $.40
1955: Muggs and Skeeter (2) $.15
1955: Myrtle (157) $10
1955: Nancy (283) $23
1955: Ozark Ike (13) $.80
1955: Peanuts (92) $7.40
1955: Phantom, The (141) $11.25
1955: Priscilla's Pop (34) $2.40
1955: Rip Kirby (144) $13
1955: Ruggles, The (3) $.20
1955: Ryatts, The (69) $5.50
1955: Secret Agent X-9 (20) $2.50
1955: Snuffy Smith (323) $26
1955: Steve Canyon (300) $24
1955: Terry and the Pirates (6) $.50
1955: Three Wishes by Walt Scott (3) $.50
1955: Vic Flint (143) $12
1956: Abbie and Slats (235) $19.85
1956: Alley Oop (241) $24
1956: Archie (129) $12
1956: Beetle Bailey (307) $24
1956: Boots (244) $19
1956: Bugs Bunny (45) $3
1956: Buz Sawyer (143) $14.50
1956: David Crane (131) $10.50
1956: Dondi (15) $1.20
1956: Ella Cinders (28) $2.25
1956: Etta Kett (242) $14.50
1956: Freckles (over 312) $25
1956: Grandma (135) $10.50
1956: Heart of Juliet Jones (132) $16
1956: Henry (243) $15
1956: Laredo Crockett (30) $3
1956: Lil Abner (287) $23
1956: Little Lulu (1) $.10
1956: Lone Ranger (241) $23
1956: Mark Trail (11) $.75
1956: Martha Wayne (312) $25.30
1956: Morty Meekle (5) $.35
1956: Myrtle (243) $15.50
1956: Nancy (199) $16.20
1956: Ozark Ike (24) $1.50
1956: Peanuts (151) $12
1956: Phantom, The (235) $18.75
1956: Rip Kirby (241) $21.75
1956: Rusty Riley (1) $.15
1956: Secret Agent X-9 (234) $23.50
1956: Smilin' Jack (3) $.30
1956: Snuffy Smith (312) $25
1956: Steve Canyon (238) $19
1956: Steve Roper (5) $1
1956: Terry and the Pirates (42) $3.50
1956: Vic Flint (9) $.75
1956: Will-Yum (1) $.10
1957: Alley Oop (260) $26
1957: Abbie and Slats (156) $13
1957: Archie (164) $11
1957: Beetle Bailey (270) $21
1957: Boots (193) $15.40
1957: Bugs Bunny (203) $14
1957: Buz Sawyer (167) $17
1957: Dick Tracy (7) $.70
1957: Dondi (3) $.20
1957: Etta Kett (96) $5.75
1957: Freckles (260) $20.50
1957: Grandma (15) $1.75
1957: Heart of Juliet Jones (164) $19.85
1957: Henry (203) $12.20
1957: It's Me, Dilly (61) $4.85
1957: Jud Saxon (26) $2
1957: Lil Abner (259) $20.80
1957: Little Orphan Annie (160) $12.80
1957: Lone Ranger (156) $15.27
1957: Martha Wayne (270) $22
1957: Mickey Finn (199) $13
1957: Myrtle (approximately 300) $19
1957: Nancy (259) $21
1957: Ozark Ike (7) $.40
1957: Phantom, The (157) $12.50
1957: Rip Kirby (161) $14.50
1957: Secret Agent X-9 (160) $16
1957: Snuffy Smith (270) $21.75
1957: Steve Canyon (182) $14.60
1958: Abbie and Slats (1) $.10
1958: Archie (209) $19
1958: Beetle Bailey (242) $19
1958: Boots (184) $14
1958: Bugs Bunny (187) $12.50
1958: Dick Tracy (8) $.80
1958: Flash Gordon (1) $.10
1958: Freckles and His Friends (approximately 300) $24
1958: Grandma (1) $.10
1958: Heart of Juliet Jones (262) $31.75
1958: Henry (187) $11.50
1958: Judd Saxon (209) $16.75
1958: Judge Parker (1) $.15
1958: Lil Abner (129) $10.25
1958: Lone Ranger (191) $18.20
1958: Martha Wayne (312) $25.30
1958: Mary Worth (186) $14
1958: Mickey Finn (186) $12
1958: Myrtle (approx. 300) $19
1958: Nancy (129) $10.50
1958: On Stage (1) $.10
1958: Ozark Ike (7) $.40
1958: Peanuts (244) $19
1958: Phantom (193) $15.40
1958: Pogo (1) $.15
1958: Priscilla's Pop (9) $.50
1958: Rip Kirby (189) $17
1958: Snuffy Smith (approximately 300) $24
1958: Steve Canyon (8) $.65
1958: Terry and the Pirates (1) $.10
1959: Alley Oop (120 March, April, May, June, few others) $12
1959: Archie (1) $.10
1959: B.C. (3) $.30
1959: Beetle Bailey (approximately 250) $19.40
1959: Blondie (247) $24.70
1959: Boots (253) $20
1959: Brenda Starr (5) $.60
1959: Bringing Up Father (1) $.10
1959: Buck Rogers (56 mid August-December) $5
1959: Bugs Bunny (243) $16.75
1959: Buz Sawyer (8) $.80
1959: Connie (1) $.10
1959: Danny Hale (2) $.20
1959: David Crane (230) $18.50
1959: Dick Tracy (1) $.10
1959: Dixie Dugan (2) $.20
1959: Dondi (6) $.75
1959: Flash Gordon (3) $.30
1959: Freckles (approximately 250) $19.70
1959: Gil Thorpe (2) $.20
1959: Grandma (2) $.20
1959: Heart of Juliet Jones (1) $.10
1959: Henry (226) $13.90
1959: Hi and Lois (1) $.10
1959: It's Me Dilly (232) $16.25
1959: Jane Arden (1) $.10
1959: Joe Palooka (1) (5/15) $.10
1959: Joe and Asbestos (1) $.10
1959: Judge Parker (5) $.75
1959: Kerry Drake (1) (5/15) $.10
1959: Lil Abner (8) $.60
1959: Little Eve (2) $.20
1959: Little Lulu (2) $.20
1959: Little Orphan Annie (244) $19.50
1959: Lone Ranger (236) $22.50
1959: Louie (1) $.10
1959: Long Sam (4) $.50
1959: Mark Trail (6) $.60
1959: Martha Wayne (approximately 250) $17.50
1959: Mary Worth (237) $18.75
1959: Mickey Finn (239) $15.25
1959: Miss Peach (1) $.10
1959: Moon Mullins (9) $.90
1959: Morty Meekle (224) $17.90
1959: Mr. Abernathy (1) $.10
1959: Mrs. Fitz's Flats (1) $.10
1959: Mutt and Jeff (1) $.10
1959: Myrtle (229) $14.50
1959: Nancy (5) $.50
1959: Nubbin (1) $.10
1959: Peanuts (180) $14
1959: Phantom (132) $10.50
1959: Priscilla's Pop (19) $1.10
1959: Rex Morgan (7) $1.20
1959: Rip Kirby (233) $21
1959: Secret Agent X-9 (235) $23.50
1959: Short Ribs (35) $2.70
1959: Smitty (2) $.20
1959: Snuffy Smith (approximately 250) $20
1959: Steve Canyon (6) $.50
1959: Steve Roper (4) $.50
1959: Terry and the Pirates (3) $.30
1959: Thorn McBride (1) $.10
1959: Winnie Winkle (1) $.10
1960: Abbie and Slats (254) $21.50
1960: Alley Oop (116) (various months) $11.50

1960: Alley Oop (207) (Jan.-June, Aug.-Sept.)

1960: Archie (26) $2.50
1960: Barney Google and Snuffy (207) $16.50
1960: Beetle Bailey (245) Group #1 $19
1960: Beetle Bailey (207) Group #2 (Jan thru June, Aug., Sept.) $16
1960: Boots and Her Buddies (120) $9.35
1960: Bugs Bunny (120) $8
1960: Buck Rogers (123) $12
1960: Buz Sawyer (162) $16.50
1960: Dick Tracy (26) $2.60
1960: Flash Gordon (246) $24
1960: Freckles (207) $16.60
1960: Heart of Juliet Jones (36) $4.50
1960: Henry (245) $15
1960: It's Me Dilly (11) $.65
1960: Judd Saxon (26) $2.60
1960: Lil Abner (207) $16.60
1960: Little Orphan Annie (264) $18.50
1960: Long Sam (1) $.10
1960: Martha Wayne (207) $16.75
1960: Mary Worth (244) $17
1960: Myrtle (279) $17.80
1960: Nancy (207) $16.85
1960: The Phantom (250) $20
1960: Peanuts (207) $16.50
1960: Secret Agent X-9 (265) $26.50
1960: Short Ribs (119) $7
1960: Snuffy Smith (266) $21.50
1960: Steve Canyon (244) $19.50
1960: Steve Roper (1) $.20

top of page

1961: B.C. (4) $.40
1961: Beetle Bailey (15) $1.20
1961: Buck Rogers (92--many, not all, have "Solar System Map" ad removed) (lot includes first three 1962 strips) $9
1961: Flash Gordon (246) $24
1961: Heart of Juliet Jones (5) $.65
1961: Little Orphan Annie (173) $13.30
1961: Myrtle (165) $10.50
1961: Peanuts (35) $2.80
1961: The Phantom (171) $13.70
1961: Rip Kirby (166) $14.60
1961: Secret Agent X-9 (162) $16
1961: Snuffy Smith (167) $13.50
1961: Steve Canyon (256) $20.45
1962: Abbie and Slats (119) $10
1962: Apartment 3-G (2) $.20
1962: B.C. (35) $2.80
1962: The Berrys (1) $.10
1962: Big Ben Bolt (1) $.10
1962: Beetle Bailey (124) $9.60
1962: Bonnie (1) $.10
1962: Bringing Up Father (1) $.10
1962: Buz Sawyer (132) $13.45
1962: Carol Day (1) $.10
1962: Danny Hale (4) $.40
1962: Dick Tracy (159) $15.90
1962: Dotty Dripple (1) $.10
1962: Dr. Kildare (20) $2
1962: Ferd'nand (1) $.10
1962: Flash Gordon (124) $12
1962: Flintstones (3) $.30
1962: Grandma (2) $.20
1962: Heart of Juliet Jones (35) $4.40
1962: Henry (124) $7.40
1962: Joe Palooka (119) $7.20
1962: Lil Abner (12) $1.00
1962: Little Orphan Annie (123) $8.60
1962: Mandrake the Magician (89 from 11/26/61-3/9/62 with only one missing date. These have been stapled at the right and left of each strip onto white paper.) $4.50
1962: Mark Trail (151) $10.60
1962: Mary Worth (161) $11.25
1962: Mickey Finn (127) $8.60
1962: Miss Peach (124) $12.40
1962: Myrtle (119) $7.60
1962: Nancy (11) $.90
1962: On Stage (2) $.20
1962: Oscar (104) $6.25
1962: Peanuts (58) $4.65
1962: Phantom (141) $11.30
1962: Rick O'Shay (1) $.20
1962: Rip Kirby (119) $10.45
1962: Rivets (1) $.10
1962: The Ryatts (124) $8.70
1962: Secret Agent X-9 (119) $12
1962: Smidgens (18) $1.80
1962: Snuffy Smith (155) $12.50
1962: Steve Canyon (163) $13
1962: Terry and the Pirates (2) $.20
1962: Wash Tubbs (1) $.10
1963: Alley Oop (2) $.20
1963: Apartment 3-G (25) $2
1963: Blondie (1) $.10
1963: Bugs Bunny (2) $.20
1963: Dan Flagg (12) $1
1963: Flintstones (1) $.10
1963: Freckles (3) $.20
1963: Gasoline Alley (1) $.10
1963: Joe Palooka (1) $.10
1963: Kerry Drake (3) $.20
1963: Little Orphan Annie (1) $.10
1963: Mickey Finn (1) $.10
1963: Miss Peach (2) $.20
1963: Opinion Wise (2) $.20
1963: Phantom (21) $1.50
1963: Priscilla's Pop (2) $.20
1963: Rivets (1) $.10
1963: Short Ribs (2) $.20
1964: Beetle Bailey (14) $1
1964: Blast Blair (13) $.80
1964: Brenda Starr (2) $.25
1964: Buz Sawyer (14) $1.25
1964: Dick Tracy (2) $.20
1964: Dr. Kildare (14) $1.50
1964: Henry (15) $.90
1964: Hi and Lois (14) $1
1964: Kerry Drake (16) $1.10
1964: Lil Abner (2) $.20
1964: Little Orphan Annie (1) $.10
1964: Louie (2) $.20
1964: Mary Worth (13) $.90
1964: Mickey Finn (13) $.80
1964: Miss Peach (13) $.90
1964: On Stage (2) $.20
1964: Ryatts (13) $.90
1964: Steve Canyon (13) $1
1964: Terry and the Pirates (2) $.20
1965: Abbie and Slats (31) $2.50
1965: Archie (1) $.10
1965: Beetle Bailey (68) $4.50
1965: Buz Sawyer (14) $1.25
1965: Captain Easy (53 June, July) $5.40
1965: Dick Tracy (34) $2.75
1965: Dr. Kildare (14) $1.50
1965: Flintstones (31) $2.50
1965: Freckles (53 June, July) $3.25
1965: Gasoline Alley (14) $.85
1965: Henry (15) $.90
1965: Hi and Lois (14) $1
1965: Joe Palooka (29) $1.75
1965: Kerry Drake (14) $1
1965: Little Orphan Annie (32) $1.90
1965: Mark Trail (33) $2
1965: Mary Worth (13) $.90
1965: McGurk's Mob (1) $.10
1965: Mickey Finn (15) $.90
1965: Miss Peach (13) $.90
1965: Moose (2) $.20
1965: Nancy (53 June, July) $3.25
1965: On Stage (31) $2.50
1965: Phantom (33) $2.30
1965: Rip Kirby (29) $2
1965: Rivets (1) $.10
1965: Ryatts (13) $.90
1965: Smidgens (31) $1.85
1965: Snuffy Smith (86) $5.25
1965: Steve Canyon (14) $1
1966: Abbie and Slats (1) $.10
1966: Dick Tracy (1) $.10
1966: Gasoline Alley (1) $.10
1966: Henry (2) $.20
1966: Joe Palooka (1) $.10
1966: Kerry Drake (1) $.10
1966: Little Orphan Annie (1) $.10
1966: Mark Trail (1) $.10
1966: Mary Worth (1) $.10
1966: Mickey Finn (1) $.10
1966: Moose (1) $.10
1966: Phantom (1) $.10
1966: Smidgens (1) $.10
1966: Snuffy Smith (1) $.10
1966: Steve Roper (1) $.20
1967: Abbie and Slats (1) $.10
1967: Alley Oop (201) $12.20
1967: Andy Capp (9) $.90
1967: Apartment 3-G (2) $.20
1967: Archie (8) $.50
1967: B.C. (5) $.35
1967: Beetle Bailey (199) $14
1967: Blondie (201) $14
1967: Born Loser (1) $.10
1967: Brenda Starr (18) $1.80
1967: Bringing Up Father (1) $.10
1967: Bugs Bunny (2) $.20
1967: Buz Sawyer (199) $17.85
1967: Captain Easy (200) $20
1967: David Crane (113) $10.25
1967: Dondi (3) $.30
1967: Dr. Kildare (199) $17.60
1967: Eek and Meek (1) $.10
1967: Ferd'nand (2) $.20
1967: Freckles (1) $.10
1967: Fred Bassett (1) $.10
1967: Freddy (1) $.10
1967: Gil Thorp (4) $.40
1967: Gordo (1) $.10
1967: Grandma (271) $16.10
1967: Gunsmoke (Spanish) (2) $1
1967: Hapless Harry (1) $.10
1967: Heart of Juliet Jones (8) $.90
1967: Henry (201) $12
1967: Hi and Lois (110) $7.85
1967: Historia with JP (2) $.20
1967: Jeff Cobb (Spanish) (2) $.15
1967: Joe Palooka (196) $11.75
1967: Johnny Hazard (1) $.10
1967: Johnny Hazard (Spanish) (10) $.50
1967: Judge Parker (26) $2.25
1967: Kerry Drake (118) $8.80
1967: Laredo Crockett (3) $.30
1967: Little Eve (2) $.20
1967: Little Orphan Annie (195) $11.70
1967: Lolly (1) $.10
1967: Louie (2) $.20
1967: Mac Divot (1) $.10
1967: Mandrake (1) $.10
1967: Mark Trail (196) $10
1967: Mary Worth (110) $7.60
1967: Mickey Finn (113) $6.75
1967: Mickey Mouse (Spanish) (10) $.50
1967: Miss Peach (110) $7.50
1967: Moon Mullins (1) $.10
1967: Moose (195) $11.75
1967: Mutt and Jeff (2) $.20
1967: Nancy (10) $.60
1967: On Stage (196) $15.75
1967: Patrick (110) $7.25
1967: Phantom (199) $14
1967: Pogo (110) $11
1967: Priscilla's Pop (2) $.20
1967: Professor Phumble (194) $11.60
1967: Rex Morgan MD (22) $2.20
1967: Rick O'Shay (2) $.20
1967: Rip Kirby (6) $.55
1967: Rivets (2) $.20
1967: Robin Malone (1) $.10
1967: Ryatts (110) $7.50
1967: Scamp (Spanish) (10) $.50
1967: Short Ribs (2) $.20
1967: Small Society (1) $.10
1967: Smidgens (195) $11.70
1967: Smilin' Jack (1) $.10
1967: Smitty (2) $.20
1967: Sniffy (1) $.10
1967: Soozi (1) $.10
1967: Steve Canyon (201) $14
1967: Tales of the Green Beret (4) $.40
1967: Terry and the Pirates (7) $.65
1967: Tiffany Jones (1) $.10
1967: Tiger (6) $.45
1967: Tumbleweeds (3) $.30
1967: Winnie Winkle (2) $.20
1967: Winthrop (1) $.10
1967: Wizard of ID (19) $1.30
1968: Alley Oop (307) $18.50
1968: Archie (9) $.55
1968: Batman (12) $1.25
1968: Beetle Bailey (308) $21.60
1968: Brenda Starr (14) $1.50
1968: Buz Sawyer (7) $.60
1968: Dick Tracy (295) $23.60
1968: Dr. Kildare (17) $1.50
1968: Flintstones (5) $.50
1968: Grandma (307) $18
1968: Heart of Juliet Jones (2) $.20
1968: Henry (307) $18.40
1968: Hi and Lois (15) $1
1968: Judge Parker (14) $1.25
1968: Kerry Drake (13) $.90
1968: Mark Trail (5) $.25
1968: Mary Worth (46) $2.75
1968: Mickey Finn (11) $.65
1968: Miss Peach (11) $.75
1968: Moose (133) $8
1968: Mutt and Jeff (33) $2
1968: On Stage (300) $24
1968: Peanuts (86) $5
1968: Phantom (291) $20.40
1968: Professor Phumble (267) $16
1968: The Ryatts (11) $.75
1968: Smidgens (300) $18
1968: Snuffy Smith (303) several have bottom damage $15
1968: Steve Canyon (308) $21.60
1968: Steve Roper (19) $3.80
1968: Wizard of ID (35) $2.40
1969-1970: B.C. (85) $6
1969: Daily Comic Strip Grab Bag. Over 400 from 1969. "Hi and Lois", "Hubert", "Louie", "Henry", "Blondie", "Tumbleweeds", "Beetle Bailey", "Bringing Up Father". Plenty more. $5
1969: Alley Oop (74) $4.50
1969: Andy Capp (2) $.30
1969: Apt. 3-G (1) $.10
1969: Archie (80) $4.80
1969: Beetle Bailey (301) $21
1969: Blondie (285) $21.30
1969: Blondie (218) (Mixture of half squares and half vertical) $15.25
1969: Buz Sawyer (301) $27
1969: Dick Tracy (274) $22
1969: Dondi (3) $.30
1969: Dr. Kildare (217) $17.35
1969: Eb and Flo (1) $.10
1969: Freddie (1) $.10
1969: Giants (1) $.10
1969: Grandma (147) $8.75
1969: Henry (301) $18
1969: Hi and Lois (230) $16
1969: Joe Palooka (228) $13.50
1969: Kerry Drake (10) $.70
1969: Little Orphan Annie (229) $13.75
1969: Mark Trail (228) $13
1969: Mary Worth (6) $.35
1969: Mickey Finn (2) $.20
1969: Miss Peach (5) $.40
1969: Moon Mullins (1) $.10
1969: Nancy (1) $.10
1969: On Stage (228)


1969: Patrick (3) $.20
1969: Phantom (217) $14.70
1969: Plain Jane (125) $7.50
1969: Pogo (4) $.40
1969: Priscilla's Pop (1) $.10
1969: Professor Phumble (228) $13.70
1969: Ryatts (1) $.10
1969: Smidgens (228) $13.70
1969: Snuffy Smith (230) $14
1969: Steve Canyon (301) $21
1969: Tumbleweeds (3) $.30
1969: Wizard of Id (4) $.40
1969: Way Out (227) $13.60
1970: Alley Oop (2) $.20
1970: Andy Capp (10) $1
1970: Apt. 3-G (4) $.30
1970: Archie (3) $.20
1970: B.C. (95) (Few are '69) $6.65
1970: Beetle Bailey (299) $21
1970: Blondie (180) $13.50
1970: Boner's Ark (4) $.25
1970: Brenda Starr (3) $.35
1970: Bringing Up Father (1) $.10
1970: Broom-Hilda (3) $.20
1970: Bugs Bunny (2) $.20
1970: Butter and Boop (4) $.25
1970: Buz Sawyer (299) $27
1970: Dick Tracy (299) $24
1970: Dondi (55) $3.85
1970: Dr. Kildare (176) $14
1970: Eeck and Meek (2) $.20
1970: Flintstones (9) $.90
1970: Freckles (1) $.10
1970: Fred Basset (4) $.25
1970: Freddy (4) $.25
1970: Half Hitch by Hank Ketcham) (38) $2.30
1970: Henry (299) $18
1970: Hi and Lois (299) $21
1970: Joe Palooka (9) $.55
1970: Judge Parker (4) $.40
1970: Kerry Drake (5) $.35
1970: Laugh-In (4) $.40
1970: Little Orphan Annie (74) $4.50
1970: Lolly (3) $.20
1970: Louie (73) $4.40
1970: Mandrake (4) $.40
1970: Mark Trail (4) $.25
1970: Mary Worth (5) $.30
1970: Mickey Finn (1) $.10
1970: Miss Peach (5) $.35
1970: Moon Mullins (1) $.10
1970: Nancy (29) $1.50
1970: On Stage (8) $.65
1970: Peanuts (8) $.50
1970: Phantom (299) $21
1970: Plain Jane (184) $11
1970: Pogo (8) $.80
1970: Priscilla's Pop (1) $.10
1970: Professor Phumble (1) $.10
1970: Rick O'Shay (3) $.30
1970: Rip Kirby (1) $.10
1970: Secret Agent Corrigan (2) $.20
1970: Short Ribs (1) $.10
1970: Smidgens (5) $.35
1970: Smitty (70) $4
1970: Snuffy Smith (179) $10.80
1970: Steve Canyon (299) $21
1970: Steve Roper (2) $.40
1970: Terry and the Pirates (2) $.20
1970: Tiger (4) $.20
1970: Tumbleweeds (63) $3.75
1971: Alley Oop (36) $2.20
1971: Archie (1) $.10
1971: Beetle Bailey (102) $7.15
1971: Blondie (103) $7.75
1971: Born Loser (36) $2.15
1971: Bringing Up Father (35) $3
1971: Buz Sawyer (102) $9.20
1971: Campus Clatter (37) $2.15
1971: Captain Easy (37) $3.50
1971: Dick Tracy (75) $6
1971: Dr. Kildare (102) $8.15
1971: Eek and Meek (34) $2.10
1971: Flintstones (1) $.10
1971: Henry (102) $6.15
1971: Hi and Lois (102) $7.15
1971: Horace and Buggy (77) $4.60
1971: Hubert (37) $2.20
1971: Joe Palooka (38) $2.30
1971: Lancelot (33) $2.10
1971: Little Orphan Annie (1) $.10
1971: Mark Trail (1) $.10
1971: Morty Meekle (36) $2.15
1971: Nancy (33) $1.70
1971: On Stage (1) $.10
1971: Peanuts (6) $.40
1971: Phantom (103) $7.15
1971: Plain Jane (102) $6.10
1971: Priscilla's Pop (33) $2
1971: Prof. Phumble (1) $.10
1971: Short Ribs (35) $2.10
1971: Smidgens (1) $.10
1971: Steve Canyon (102) $7.15
1971: Steve Roper (1) $.10
1971: Tarzan (36) $5.50
1971: Tiger (102) $6.15
1972: Alley Oop (51) $3
1972: Animal Crackers (1) $.10
1972: Apt. 3-G (3) $.25
1972: Badge Guys, The (2) $.20
1972: B.C. (2) $.20
1972: Beetle Bailey (7) $.50
1972: Brenda Starr (1) $.15
1972: Bringing Up Father (42) $3.50
1972: Buz Sawyer (6) $.50
1972: Dick Tracy (5) $.40
1972: Doonsbury (2) $.20
1972: Dr. Kildare (1) $.15
1972: Dropouts, The (1) $.10
1972: Ebb and Flo (1) $.10
1972: Eek and Meek (44) $2.65
1972: Fred Basset (1) $.10
1972: Fred and Others (2) $.20
1972: Friday Foster (1) $.50
1972: Funky Winkerbean (1) $.10
1972: Gasoline Alley (3) $.20
1972: Gil Thorpe (2) $.20
1972: Heart of Juliet Jones (1) $.10
1972: Henry (1) $.10
1972: Hi and Lois (2) $.20
1972: Hubert (46) $2.75
1972: Joe Palooka (49) $2.95
1972: Johnny Hazard (1) $.15
1972: Judge Parker (3) $.30
1972: Kelly (2) $.20
1972: Kerry Drake (1) $.10
1972: Lancelot (12) $.75
1972: Mark Trail (3) $.20
1972: Mary Worth (5) $.30
1972: Miss Peach (2) $.20
1972: Momma (1) $.10
1972: Nancy (44) $2.65
1972: Peanuts (5) $.30
1972: Phantom (2) $.20
1972: Pogo (3) $.30
1972: Priscilla's Pop (38) $2.30
1972: Ryatts (1) $.10
1972: Sally Bananas (1) $.10
1972: Sesame Street (1) $.10
1972: Sgt. Strips (27) $1.60
1972: Short Ribs (44) $2.65
1972: Snuffy Smith (4) $.20
1972: Steve Canyon (5) $.30
1972: Steve Roper (3) $.60
1972: Tarzan (46) $7
1972: Tiger (2) $.20
1972: Tumbleweeds (1) $.10
1972: Wizard of Id (1) $.10
1973: Alley Oop (69) $4
1973: Andy Capp (4) $.50
1973: Andy Panda (6) $2
1973: Animal Crackers (128) $9
1973: Apartment 3-G (1) $.10
1973: Archie (6) $.50
1973: B.C. (6) $.50
1973: Beetle Bailey (152) $10.65
1973: Blondie (11) $.85
1973: Born Loser (32) $2
1973: Brenda Starr (1) $.10
1973: Bringing Up Father (18) $1.50
1973: Broom Hilda (4) $.40
1973: Bugs Bunny (11) $.85
1973: Buz Sawyer (149) $9
1973: Campus Clatter (29) $2.35
1973: Captain Easy (69) $6.50
1973: Dateline Danger (2) $.60
1973: Dick Tracy (11) $.90
1973: Dondi (2) $.20
1973: Dooley's World (3) $.30
1973: Doonesbury (6) $.50
1973: Eek and Meek (30) $1.80
1973: Frank and Ernest (19) $1.30
1973: Friday Foster (2) $.50
1973: Genius, The (1) $.10
1973: Half Hitch (1) $.10
1973: Heart of Juliet Jones (6) $.50
1973: Hi and Lois (148) $8.90
1973: Hubert (19) $1.15
1973: Joe Palooka (22) $1.30
1973: Kelly (144) $8.65
1973: Kerry Drake (132) $9.25
1973: Little Orphan Annie (8) $.50
1973: Lolly (1) $.10
1973: Mandrake (1) $.10
1973: Mark Trail (5) $.50
1973: Mary Worth (153) $10.75
1973: Miss Peach (148) $10.40
1973: Momma (7) $.50
1973: Moon Mullins (1) $.10
1973: Mutt and Jeff (2) $.20
1973: Nancy (19) $1.30
1973: On Stage (7) $.50
1973: Peanuts (152) $9.15
1973: Phantom (11) $1.10
1973: Pogo (4) $.50
1973: Priscilla's Pop (30) $1.80
1973: Professor Phumble (4) $.40
1973: Redeye (1) $.10
1973: Rex Morgan (1) $.10
1973: Ryatts (2) $.20
1973: Sally Bananas (122) $8.60
1973: Sesame Street (1) $.10
1973: Short Ribs (25) $1.50
1973: Sgt. Stripes Forever (23) $1.85
1973: Smidgens (7) $.50
1973: Snuffy Smith (14) $.90
1973: Steve Canyon (150) $10.50
1973: Steve Roper (7) $1.10
1973: Tarzan (21) $2.90
1973: Terry and the Pirates (1) $.10
1973: Tiger (1) $.10
1973: Tumbleweeds (3) $.30
1973: Winthrop (32) $2.25
1973: Wizard of ID (1) $.10
1974: Alley Oop (1) $.10
1974: Andy Capp (3) $.30
1974: Animal Crackers (77) $4.65
1974: Apartment 3-G (1) $.10
1974: Archie (3) $.30
1974: B.C. (2) $.20
1974: Beetle Bailey (273) $19.50
1974: Blondie (54) $3.80
1974: Boner's Ark (2) $.20
1974: Born Loser (5) $.50
1974: Brenda Starr (9) $.85
1974: Bringing Up Father (1) $.10
1974: Broom Hilda (3) $.30
1974: Bugs Bunny (2) $.20
1974: Buz Sawyer (71) $6
1974: Campus Clatter (1) $.10
1974: Captain Easy (2) $.25
1974: Catfish (2) $.20
1974: Deems (1) $.10
1974: Dick Tracy (15) $1.20
1974: Dondi (2) $.20
1974: Dooley's World (1) $.10
1974: Doonesbury (54) $3.80
1974: Dropouts (1) $.10
1974: Ebb and Flo (2) $.20
1974: Eeek and Meek (2) $.20
1974: Figments (1) $.10
1974: Frank and Ernest (195) $12
1974: Fred Basset (1) $.10
1974: Funky (1) $.10
1974: Funky Winkerbean (6) $.60
1974: Gasoline Alley (269) $18
1974: Genius, The (1) $.10
1974: Grampa's Boy (1) $.10
1974: Grubby (1) $.10
1974: Hagar the Horrible (203) $14.25
1974: Half Hitch (1) $.10
1974: Heart of Juliet Jones (3) $.30
1974: Henry (2) $.20
1974: Hi and Lois (269) $19
1974: Jackson Twins (1) $.10
1974: Joe Palooka (1) $.10
1974: Judge Parker (9) $.75
1974: Kelly (261) $15.70
1974: Kerry Drake (272) $19
1974: Lil Abner (1) $.10
1974: Little Farmer (1) $.10
1974: Little Orphan Annie (10) $.60
1974: Lolly (3) $.30
1974: Louie (1) $10
1974: Luther (1) $.10
1974: Mandrake (1) $.10
1974: Mark Trail (54) $3.25
1974: Mary Worth (272) $19.25
1974: Miss Peach (224) $13.50
1974: Mixed Singles (1) $.10
1974: Moon Mullins (2) $.20
1974: Mutt and Jeff (6) $.50
1974: Nancy (2) $.20
1974: On Stage (15) $1
1974: Peanuts (273) $16.50
1974: Phantom (49) $3.45
1974: Pogo (10) $1.25
1974: Priscilla's Pop (2) $.20
1974: Professor Phumble (48) $2.90
1974: Rex Morgan (8) $.75
1974: Rural Delivery (1) $.10
1974: Short Ribs (2) $.20
1974: Smidgens (50) $3
1974: Snuffy Smith (54) $3.25
1974: Steve Canyon (273) $16.50
1974: Steve Roper (54) $9.75
1974: Tank McNamara (14) $.85
1974: Tiger (1) $.10
1974: Tumbleweeds (1) $.10
1974: Winnie Winkle (1) $.10
1974: Winthrop (1) $.10
1974: Wizard of ID (8) $.60
1974: Yankee Doodles (1) $.10
1976: Dick Tracy (94 March-July) 6 3/4 x 2 1/4 inch size $7.50
1976: James Bond (26) From OVERSEAS WEEKLY. Strips range from #88 to 165. 10x6 inch size $5
1976-1978: Spiderman (250) $23
1978: Alley Oop (151) $14.80
1978: Andy Capp (154) $12.35
1978: Animal Crackers (1) $.10
1978: Archie (273) $16.30
1978: Asterix and Obelix (8) $.50
1978: B.C. (149) $10.40
1978: Beetle Bailey (159) $11.15
1978: Best Seller Showcase (5) $.45
1978: Blondie (271) $19
1978: Born Loser (152) $10.70
1978: Broom Hilda (1) $.10
1978: Capt. Easy (150) $14
1978: Catfish (1) $.10
1978: Crock (22) $1.30
1978: Dick Tracy (4) $.30
1978: Doonesbury (161) $11.30
1978: Eek and Meek (151) $10.60
1978: Frank and Ernest (158) $11
1978: Fred Bassett (1) $.10
1978: Funky Winkerbean (274) $17.50
1978: Gasoline Alley (274) $19.20
1978: Hagar (270) $16.20
1978: Hap Hazard (1) $.10
1978: Hi and Lois (271) $16.20
1978: Howard the Duck (1) $.10
1978: Judge Parker (2) $.20
1978: Kerry Drake (5) $.50
1978: Kisses (1) $.10
1978: Luther (1) $.10
1978: Mark Trail (25) $1.50
1978: Mary Worth (7) $.40
1978: Miss Peach (1) $.10
1978: Mixed Singles (1) $.10
1978: Momma (23) $1.40
1978: Motley's Crew (5) $.30
1978: Mutt and Jeff (1) $.10
1978: Nancy (146) $8.80
1978: Peanuts (152) $11
1978: Phantom (19) $1.50
1978: Redeye (2) $.20
1978: Rex Morgan (2) $.20
1978: Rick O'Shay (1) $.10
1978: Rivets (1) $.10
1978: Rooftop O'Toole (1) $.10
1978: Ryatts (1) $.10
1978: Shoe (178) $12.60
1978: Snuffy Smith (166) $11.70
1978: Spider-Man (20) $1.85
1978: Steve Canyon (1) $.10
1978: Steve Roper (27) $6.75
1978: Superheroes (2) $.20
1978: Tank McNamara (1) $.10
1978: Tiger (17) $1
1978: Travels with Farley (146) $10.20
1978: Tucker (1) $.10
1978: Tumbleweeds (2) $.20
1978: Wizard of ID (156) $11
Late 1978-early 1979: Incredible Hulk (24) $2.20
1979: Star Wars (19) March-April plus two illustrated ads for beginning of strip $1.90
1982: Bruce Lee Nostalgiaworld Comic section "Legend of Bruce Lee" #1. Reprints 80 rare dailies from 5/24/82 to 8/28/82. $5
We have lots more uncatalogued dailies from '75, '76, '79-'89 (many complete yearly runs) even some '90 strips. If you are looking for particular strips in those years, let us know.  

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