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Full Color Sunday Newspaper Comic Strips for Sale

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Full Color Sunday Newspaper Strips

We have literally thousands of newspapers from 1907-1980s with Daily and Sunday comic strips that can be clipped to your needs. Please let us know your wants. We price strips extremely reasonable. More strips will be added to this page on a regular basis. We also can prepare ‘comic’ strip grab bags. 200 daily or 100 Sunday humorous strips for $6 each plus shipping from most any year.

Very Good or better condition unless noted.

tr> tr>
Item Description
SUNDAYS (Mixed denotes a mixture of Halves and Thirds)

Undated: Buck Rogers #763/Tailspin Tommy #186 Full b/w (bit brittle)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1907: Brownie Clown (Full) (b/w) (7)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1909: Happy Hooligan (Half) (b/w) (1)


1909: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) (b/w) (5)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1910: Captain and the Kids (full) (Poor, b/w) (1)


1910: Captain and the Kids (full) (b/w) (1)


1910: Dough and Dubb (Half) Jimmy (Half) (1)


1910: Happy Hooligan (Half)/Mr. Abercrombie (Half) (b/w) (1)


1910: Katzenjammer Kids (full) Split (1)


1910: Katzenjammer Kids (full, b/w) Often have Happy Hooligan or F. Opper or Jimmy reverse (8)


1910: Mutt and Jeff (Half) Swinnerton (Half) Georgie (Half) Jimmy (Half) all on one page (b/w) (1)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1914: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) (Fair) (2)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1915: Jimmy (Full) Happy Hooligan reverse (2)


1915: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) (1)


1915: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) (1) (Poor, split)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1916: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) Happy Hooligan reverse (1)


1916: Inanimated Weekly (Full) b/w (1)

NOTE: Early pages can often be brittle, flaking or split.

1918: Bringing Up Father (Full) (2)


1918: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) Dubb Family reverse (2)


1921: Bringing Up Father (Full, b/w) (8)


1921: Bringing Up Father (Full, color) Down on the Farm reverse (1)


1921: Gasoline Gus (Half, b/w) (1)


1921: Katzenjammer Kids (Full, color) (2)


1921: Toots and Casper (Full, b/w) (3)


1922: Bringing Up Father (Full, b/w) Down on the Farm reverse (4)


1922: Katzenjammer Kids (Full, b/w) Jerry on the Job reverse (4)


1924: Buttons and Fatty (Tab) (1)


1924: Bringing Up Father (Full) Happy Hooligan reverse (1)


1924: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) Boob McNutt reverse (2)


1924: Kelly Kids (Full) (Fair) (1)


1924: Mutt and Jeff (Full) Cicero Sapp reverse (1)


1925: Bringing Up Father (Full) Katzenjammer Kids reverse (1)


1925: Bringing Up Father (Full) Mr. Dough and Mr. Dubb reverse (1)


1925: Bringing Up Father (Full) Barney Google and Spark Plug reverse (1)


1925: Chesterfield large ad--11x15 inches-- Bud Fisher of Mutt and Jeff portrait w/rough daily strip drawn in. Signed Ruskin Williams.


1925: Katzenjammer Kids (Full) Boob McNutt reverse (1)


1926: Bringing Up Father (Full) (Fair) Katzenjammer Kids reverse (1)


1926: Bringing Up Father (Full) (Poor) Peter Rabbitt reverse (1)


1927: Bringing Up Father (Full) Katzenjammer Kids reverse (1)


1927: Bringing Up Father (Full) Little Orphan Annie (b/w) reverse (1)


1927: Polly and Her Pals/Abie (Full) (1)


1928: Bringing Up Father/Winnie Winkle reverse Full (1)


1929: Bringing Up Father/Winnie Winkle reverse Full (16) plus 1 Full reverse Katzenjammer Kids


1930: Ben/Squire Edgegate/Everything's Up to Ma/Jasper Jones Full, b/w (1)


1930: Bringing Up Father Full, b/w (6)


1930: Bringing Up Father/Winnie Winkle Full (6)


1930: Gasoline Alley/Smitty Tab (1)


1930: Gumps/Little Orphan Annie Full (6)


1930: Gumps/Harold Teen Tab (1)


1930: Katzenjammer Kids Full, b/w (3)


1930: Little Orphan Annie/Moon Mullins Tab (1)


1930: Roughin' Reddy/Salesman Sam (10/19/30) Full


1930s: Jerry on the Job (5 panel color strip) (ad for Post Cereal)


1931: Abie the Agent (Full) b/w Barney Google reverse (4)


1931: Boob McNutt (Goldberg) (Full, b/w) /Tillie The Toiler reverse (4)


1931: Bringing Up Father (Full) Winnie Winkle reverse (5)


1931: Bringing Up Father (Full b/w) (4) Just Kids reverse


1931: Dumb Dora (torn, tape repair) (3/4 pg.) (1)


1931: Dumb Dora (3/4 pg.) (5)


1931: Gumps (Full) Little Orphan Annie reverse (5)


1931: Gumps (Tab)(1)


1931: Timid Soul (Full) Dumb Dora reverse (4)


1931: Wash Tubbs (topper) The Willets (Full) Polly and Her Pals reverse (1)


1932: Joe Palooka 1 Tab (9/18)


1932: Little Orphan Annie 4 Fulls (1/17, 2/7, 2/24, 1/31)


1932: Mutt and Jeff 1 Full/Moon Mullins reverse


1932: Nebbs (b/w) 2 Halves


1932: Our Boarding House/Salesman Sam (Full, b/w) 2 (one torn, taped)


1932: Tailspin Tommy 1 Tab (9/18) 2 Full (9/11, 11/6)


1932: Tim Tyler's Luck (1/2)


1932: Toonerville Folks 1 Tab (9/18)


1932: Toonerville Folks 2 Halves (b/w)


1933: Gasoline Alley 1 Tab, 1 b/w Full


1933: Gumps 1 Tab, 3 Fulls (1 is b/w)


1933: Little Orphan Annie 2 Tabs


1934: Gulf Funny Weekly (4 pg. section): Uncovered Wagon, Curly and the Kids, Smileage (Gulf gas station freebie)


1934: Little Orphan Annie 1 Full (10/28), 1 Tab (begins "Great Scott! Is it morning already?")


1934: Smilin' Jack 1 Tab (undated)


1935: Ace Drummond 1 Full


1935: Amazing Adv. of Johnny Round the World/Poster Stamp Collector's Club 1 Full (12/15)


1935: Ben Webster's Page 3 Full


1935: Broncho Bill/Bumps 1 Full


1935: Curley Harper at Lakespur 1 Half (12/15)


1935: Dick Tracy (Tab) Smilin' Jack reverse (1/2 Tab)


1935: Flash Gordon 1 Full (9/15) w/Jungle Jim (damage at top)


1935: Gumps 1 Full, 1 Tab, 2 Halves


1935: Joe Palooka 1 Full (Dizzy Dean Camel ad reverse)


1935: Lil Abner (Apple Mary reverse) 1 Half


1935: Little Orphan Annie 3 Full, 1 Half


1935: Red Barry 1 Half (12/15)


1935: Smitty/Gasoline Alley (reverse) (Tab) (Smitty meets Babe Ruth)


1935: Smokey Stover (Tab)


1935: Strain on the Family Tie/Keeping Up With the Joneses (reverse) (Tab)


1935: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half

1936: Broncho Bill/Bumps 1 Tab $2
1936: Donald Duck/Mickey Mouse 1 Full (10/25) $10
1936: Little Orphan Annie 1 Full $2.30
1936: Tim Tyler's Luck 3 Halves $5.75
1937: Apple Mary and Dennie 1 Full $1.10
1937: Big Chief Wahoo 1 Full $1.25
1937: Broncho Bill/Bumps 1 Tab (9/26) $2
1937: Dick Tracy 1/24/37 Tabloid (VG but 1/2 inch tear at bottom right) also 2 Tabs (3/28, 9/5) $12
1937: Flash Gordon/Jungle Jim 2 Fulls (3/28, 3/14) $38
1937: Katzenjammer Kids/Tillie the Toiler 13 Tabs (Jan.-March) $55
1937: Little Orphan Annie 3 Fulls, 2 Tabs $10
1937: Mickey Mouse-Donald Duck/Pete the Tramp 16 Tabs (Jan.-March) $128
1937: Peter Rabbit 3 Fulls $6.50
1937: Room and Board (5/2/37) Half $1
1937: Terry and the Pirates 1 Tab (5/2) $3
1937: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half (trimmed close) $1.70
1938: Gasoline Alley 16 Tabs (Winnie Winkle reverse) $20
1938: The Gumps 11 Tabs $9.60
1938: Little Orphan Annie 14 Fulls, 13 Tabs $35
1938: Myra North, Special Nurse 1 Half $5
1939: Alley Oop 2 Tabs $10
1939: Apple Mary 10 Tabs (Katzenjammer Kids, Hawkshaw the Detective reverse) $10
1939: Bringing Up Father (13 Tabs) $25
1939: Dick Tracy 4 Fulls, 6 Halves $45
1939: Don Winslow 8 Halves (one is split) $8
1939: Ella Cinders 7 Halves, 1 Tab $4
1939: Etta Kett (13 Tabs) $13
1939: Gasoline Alley 7 Fulls, 6 Tabs $17
1939: The Gumps 2 Fulls, 6 Tabs (one split) $7
1939: Joe Palooka 3 Fulls, 8 Tabs $25
1939: Li'l Abner 2 Tabs, 7 Halves $18
1939: Little Joe 6 Halves $2.50
1939: Little Annie Rooney/Katzenjammer Kids (13 Tabs) $52
1939: Little Orphan Annie 6 Fulls, 8 Tabs, 5 Halves $24
1939: Mickey Finn 7 Tabs $7
1939: Prince Valiant 1 Full (5/21) $10
1939: Red Ryder Half (12/18) $3
1939: Rube Goldberg Side Show/Brad and Dad 1 Tab (That's My Pop--Milt Gross reverse) $6
1939: Tailspin Tommy 1 Full (5/14) $5
1939: Terry and the Pirates 11 Halves $38
1940: Bringing Up Father 12 Tabs (Tillie reverse) $4.25
1940: Charlie Chan 1 Half (Lone Ranger reverse) $5
1940: Chief Wahoo 4 Two-Thirds $4.60
1940: Donald Duck 1 Half (3/10) $2.50
1940: Don Winslow 1 Half $1
1940: Etta Kett 13 Tabs (Pete the Tramp reverse) $3.50
1940: Gasoline Alley 2 Tabs, 2 Fulls $5
1940: Jane Arden 3 Halves $.75
1940: Joe Palooka (Squirrel Cage reverse) 1 Full $2
1940: Li'l Abner 3 Halves $3.25
1940: Mary Worth's Family 3 Tabs $2.25
1940: Peter Rabbit 2 Fulls $4.50
1940: The Phantom 1 Half (6/9) $4
1940: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half $3
1940: Superman 1 Half (#48) $6
1941: Blondie 16 Halves $12
1941: Bush Berry (Rare!) 1 Half Tab $3
1941: Charlie Chan (Lone Ranger reverse) 1 Half (3/16) $5
1941: Donald Duck 6 Halves $15
1941: Draftie (Rare) 3 Halves $6
1941: Etta Kett 10 Tabs (April, May, June) $2.70
1941: Flash Gordon 3 Two-Thirds (9/14, 10/12, 10/5) $15
1941: Gasoline Alley 13 Tabs, 5 Halves $24
1941: Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1 Half (6/22) $2
1941: Katzenjammer Kids 28 Halves, 3 Fulls $34
1941: Li'l Abner 12 Halves, 1 Full $14
1941: Little Hiawatha 7 Half Tabs-b/w $1.50
1941: Mary Worth's Family 4 Tabs $3
1941: Mickey Mouse 1 Half (10/5) $3.50
1941: Mickey Mouse 4 Half Tabs $6.65
1941: Mr. X (Reverse: Secret Agent Hy Score) (Rare!) 1 Half Tab $3
1941: Mutt and Jeff 5 Fulls $5
1941: Mutt and Jeff 1 Half b/w $.35
1941: The Phantom Half (5/11) $4
1941: The Phantom Half (6/1) $4
1941: The Phantom Half (6/29) $4
1941: The Phantom Half (10/12) $4
1941: Superman #76 Half $6
1941: Tailspin Tommy/4 Aces 1 Full $4
1941: Terry and the Pirates 32 Tabs, 2 Halves $95
1941: Tiny Tim 1 Half $.35
1941: Tippie 17 Halves $12
1941: Yankee Doodle 1 Half $3
1942: Captain Easy (see Red Ryder)  
1942: Dick Tracy 1 Half $3
1942: Gasoline Alley 8 Tabs, 5 Halves $17
1942: Hap Hopper 7 Halves, 1 Tab $8
1942: Harold Teen 9 Tabs, 3 Halves $4.75
1942: Henry (b/w) 2 Halves $.40
1942: Joe Palooka 1 b/w Tab $1
1942: Lil Abner 7 Tabs $7
1942: Little Orphan Annie 4 Full, 9 Tabs, 4 Halves $25
1942: Miss Fury 1 Half (3/29) $5
1942: Mutt and Jeff 6 Tabs, 1 Full $7
1942: Patsy in Hollywood 4 6x8 inch squares $5
1942: Prince Valiant 1 Full $7
1942: Red Ryder 1 Tab (Capt. Easy b/w reverse) $3
1942: Smilin' Jack 1 Half $1.25
1942: Teenie Weenies 3 Halves $9
1942: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Two-Thirds $2
1943: Boots 1 Third w/paperdoll cutouts $.75
1943: Dixie Dugan 1 Third $.25
1943: Donald Duck 4 Thirds, 2 Halves $6.50
1943: Flash Gordon/Jungle Jim 2 Fulls 5/2, 8/15 (This one has tears to bottom/top right corners) $20
1943: Hap Hopper 1 Half (Draftie reverse) $1
1943: Jane Arden 1 Tab $.30
1943: Little Orphan Annie 4 Halves, 1 Half Tab $6.50
1943: Lil Abner 1 Half $.75
1943: Nancy 1 Third $.20
1943: Our Bill 1 Half $.25
1943: Prince Valiant 3 Fulls (3/28, 2/21, 9/26) $24
1943: Red Ryder 1 Half $1
1943: Terry and the Pirates 3 Halves $6
1943: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half, 1 Third $3.30
1944: Alley Oop 1 Third $.75
1944: Captain Easy 1 Tab, 1 Half Tab, 1 Third $4
1944: Flash Gordon 1 Half (5/21) $5
1944: Jane Arden 1 Full w/paper dolls $1
1944: Joe Palooka 29 Full Tabs $30
1944: Little Orphan Annie 3 Half Tabs $1.50
1944: Mickey Mouse 1 Half Tab $.75
1944: Red Ryder 3 Thirds $1.50
1944: Terry and the Pirates 14 Full Tabs $32
1945: Biff Baker 2 Thirds $1.50
1945: Brick Bradford 1 Half $3.50
1945: Cranberry Boggs 9 Mixed $4
1945: Dick Tracy 1 Half (5/18) $1.50
1945: Invisible Scarlett O'Neil 2 Thirds $3
1945: Jungle Jim 1 Third $1.75
1945: Lem and Oinie 4 Mixed $4
1945: Mickey Mouse (6)/Panchito (5) Half Tabs $10
1945: Miss Fury 7 Halves $35
1945: Phantom 1 Half (12/30) $2.50
1945: Prince Valiant 1 Full (12/30) $5
1945: Superman 1 Third (# 289) $5
1945: Terry and the Pirates 32 Tabs, 11 Half Tabs (includes Terry Quaker Cereal ad, several Smilin' Jack backsides) $62
1945: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Third $1
1946: Alley Oop 1 Third, 1 Half Tab $1.60
1946: Batman and Robin 1 Half Tab $5
1946: Claire Voyant 2 Halves $4
1946: Dick Tracy 2 Halves (6/23, 4/28) $2.50
1946: Dixie Dugan 1 Tab (has edge tear) $.30
1946: Flash Gordon 1 Half (6/23) $5
1946: The Gumps 6 Mixed $2
1946: Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 4 Thirds (damage to one panel) $3
1946: Jane Arden 1 Half Tab $.20
1946: Joe Palooka 2 Thirds $1
1946: Kerry Drake 2 Tabs $3
1946: Little Orphan Annie 8 Mixed $8
1946: Mutt and Jeff 1 Third $.35
1946: Red Ryder 2 Thirds (some damage) $1
1946: Reg'lar Fellers 1 Tab (has edge tear) $.50
1946: Smilin' Jack 2 Halves $1.60
1946: Superman #330 (Third) $3.50
1946: Terry and the Pirates 14 Mixed (Tabs/Halves/3 Half Tabs) $22
1946: Tiny Tim 5 Mixed $1.20
1947: Alley Oop 1 Third, 7 Half Tabs $5
1947: Bugs Bunny 7 Thirds $5.75
1947: Dick Tracy 1 Half (6/8) $1.25
1947: Flash Gordon 1 Half (6/8) $5
1947: Flash Gordon (Mickey Mouse half tab reverse on 1) 13 Tabs $26
1947: Invisible Scarlet O'Neil 1 third $.75
1947: Jack Armstrong 2 Thirds $2.80
1947: Jane Arden 6 Halves $1.50
1947: John West 1 Third $1.85
1947: Kerry Drake 1 Third $1.50
1947: Li'l Abner 1 Third $.50
1947: Little Orphan Annie 6 Halves $5.75
1947: Red Ryder 9 Mixed Halves/Thirds/8 Half Tabs $7.25
1947: Steve Canyon 1 Third $1
1947: Streamer Kelly 3 Thirds $1.50
1947: Superman 8/24 Tab (Captain Easy reverse) $3
1947: Superman 7 Halves, 1 Third (#380, 382, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396) $32
1947: Tiny Tim 5 Thirds $1.20
1947: Uncle Remus 2 half tabs (Katzenjammer Kids on one) $2.50
1947: Vic Flint 8 Halves $35
1948: Dick's Adventures 2 Fulls $2
1948: Fatso 7 Halves $3.50
1948: Flash Gordon 11 Tabs (Jan.-March) $50
1948: Flash Gordon 7 Halves $32
1948: Gordo 2 Halves $1
1948: Jane Arden 2 Thirds $.40
1948: Joe Palooka 3 Thirds $.75
1948: Jungle Jim 1 Third $2
1948: Little Annie Rooney 13 Halves (Oct.-Dec.) (Donald Duck thirds reverse on 3; Mickey Mouse reverse on 1) $53
1948: Lone Ranger 1 Half, 1 Third $3
1948: Mandrake, the Magician 1 Half $2
1948: Mark Trail 5 Thirds $1.50
1948: Mickey Mouse 12 Thirds (Lone Ranger 10 Thirds on top; Tillie the Toiler, Katzenjammer Kids, Flash Gordon reverse) $30
1948: Prince Valiant 2 Fulls (Phantom reverse) $10
1948: Red Ryder 1 Third $.80
1948: Superman 2 Tabs (trimmed close) (#616, 617) $8
1948: Grab Bag of 53 strips--Katzenjammer Kids (9), Henry (6), Little King (9), Little Iodine (9), Snuffy Smith, Bringing Up Father, Blondie, Tillie the Toiler, plus backsides of some of the same titles and others $35

top of page

1949: Buz Sawyer 2 Thirds $1
1949: Flash Gordon 3 Halves (4/17, 8/21, 10/16); 4 Two-thirds (7/3 [one corner off], 7/31, 8/28, 10/2 [torn]) $5
1949: Gumps 2 Thirds $.20
1949: Jack Armstrong 9 Thirds (one in b/w) $15
1949: Joe Palooka 2 Thirds $.50
1949: Jungle Jim 8 Thirds $16
1949: Phantom 1 Third (8/14) $1.25
1949: Prince Valiant 5 Fulls 8/21, 7/31, 10/9, 7/24 (has a tear), 10/2 (worn) $19
1949: Steve Canyon 1 Half (10/2) $1
1949: Terry and the Pirates 1 Half $1.20
1950: Buck Rogers (by Rick Yager) 10 Thirds (clipped close, no borders) (3 strips are in 1951) $22
1950: Buz Sawyer 10 Mixed Thirds/Half $5
1950: Dick Tracy 2 Halves $3.80
1950: Flash Gordon 12 Quarters and Halves (Dates on request) $28
1950: Jungle Jim 16 Thirds $32
1950: Lil Abner 4 Mixed $1.20
1950: Lone Ranger 6 Thirds $9
1950: Mitzi McCoy 1 Third $.85
1950: Perry Mason 1 Third $.75
1950: Prince Valiant 1 Full (10/1) (Phantom on reverse) $4
1950: Terry and the Pirates 2 Halves, 2 Tabs $5.50
1950: Tillie the Toiler 8 Thirds w/paper dolls $2
1950: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half $.60
1950: Vic Flint 1 Half (bottom damage) $.20
1951: Archie 9 Thirds $2.70
1951: Flash Gordon 11/25, 12/16 (Three quarters) $4.75
1951: Flash Gordon 9/30, 12/2, 12/30 (Halves) (plus 10/1 damaged) $7
1951: Hopalong Cassidy 1 Third $3
1951: Joe Palooka 10 Mixed $1.35
1951: Jungle Jim 6 Thirds $4.50
1951: Kevin the Bold 1 Tab $2
1951: Ozark Ike 2 Thirds $2.60
1951: Perry Mason 2 Thirds $1.50
1951: Phantom 6 thirds, 1 Half $7.50
1951: Popsicle Boot Ring ads 3 Thirds $.50
1951: Prince Valiant 1 Half (12/16) 1 Tab (2/11) $2
1951: Red Ryder 9 Mixed $6.75
1951: Sandy Hill 5 Thirds $1
1951: Steve Canyon 5 Thirds $2.50
1951: Superman 2 Tabs (#616, 617) (no margins) $6
1951: Terry and the Pirates 4 Halves $4
1951: Tim Tyler's Luck 5 Mixed $2.90
1951: Uncle Remus Tales of Brer Rabbit 1 Third $.35
1951: Vic Flint 3 Mixed $.75
1952: Big Ben Bolt 5 Thirds $5
1952: Buck Rogers (by Rick Yager) 11 Thirds (clipped close, no borders) $25
1952: A Christmas Carol (Creig Flessel art) 2 Tab pages (complete) from BOY'S LIFE $2
1952: Dawn O'Day 1 third $.25
1952: Dick Tracy 3 Halves (10/26, 10/12, undated) $6
1952: Donald Duck 3 Thirds $2
1952: Flash Gordon 1 Half (4/6) $2.50
1952: Jungle Jim 8 Thirds $9.60
1952: Lone Ranger 6 Thirds, 1 Half $10.15
1952: Perry Mason 4 Thirds $4
1952: Prince Valiant 9 Fulls, 1 Half (3/16, 4/6, 2/17, 5/25, 1/20, 3/23, 1/27, 9/28, 3/9, 10/12) $40
1952: Steve Canyon 1 Half, 1 Third $1.50
1952: Tillie the Toiler 1 Third $.20
1952: Tim Tyler's Luck 3 Halves, 3 Thirds $4.50
1953: Buck Rogers (by Rick Yager) 33 Thirds (most are clipped close, no borders) $75
1953: Blondie 1 Half, 1 Third $1.20
1953: Dick Tracy 1 Half (7/19) $2
1953: Donald Duck 12 Thirds $9
1953: Flash Gordon 6 Halves $15
1953: Henry 2 Halves, 1 third $.90
1953: Katzenjammer Kids 10 Halves/Thirds $5
1953: Little Iodine 15 Thirds $4.50
1953: Little King 3 Halves, 1 Third $1.20
1953: Little Orphan Annie Motorola Ad--Half w/Popeye, Dick Tracy, LOA costumes/masks $2
1953: Lone Ranger 15 Halves/Thirds $11.25
1953: Mickey Mouse 13 Thirds $9.75
1953: Pete the Tramp 8 Halves $2.40
1953: The Phantom 1 Third (5/31) $1.20
1953: Popeye 14 Halves and Thirds (Uncle Remus reverse on 1 Third, Donald Duck reverse on 1 Third) $10.50
1953: Prince Valiant 1 Tab, 1 Half (7/10, 8/30) $7
1953: Prince Valiant Fulls (3/8, 3/22, 4/26, 9/20, 10/18) $20
1953: Red Ryder 1 Third $.90
1953: Snuffy Smith 9 Thirds, 1 Half $2.70
1953: Steve Canyon 2 Halves, 4 Thirds $3
1953: Terry and the Pirates 1 Tab (10/18) $1.50
1953: Tillie the Toiler 5 Halves/Thirds $1.50
1953: Uncle Remus 4 Thirds $3
1953: Vic Flint 1 Third $1
1954: Alley Oop 1 Half (9/12) $1
1954: Big Ben Bolt 9 Thirds $4.50
1954: Blondie 8 Mixed $12
1954: Bringing Up Father 9 Fulls $13.50
1954: Buck Rogers (by Rick Yager) 19 Thirds (clipped close, no borders) $40
1954: Buz Sawyer 15 Mixed $7.50
1954: Dick Tracy 3 Halves (3/25, 10/31, 11/28) $9
1954: Dick's Adventures 1 Third, 1 Half $1.75
1954: Donald Duck 5 Thirds (Uncle Remus reverse on one, Mickey Mouse on one) $12
1954: Flash Gordon 15 Mixed $15
1954: Heart of Juliet Jones 11 Thirds $10.85
1954: Henry 15 Mixed $4.50
1954: Joe Palooka 7 Thirds, 1 Half $1.60
1954: Katzenjammer Kids 16 Mixed $8
1954: Kerry Drake 27 Mixed $20.25
1954: Little Annie Rooney 9 Mixed $18
1954: Little Iodine 12 Mixed $3.60
1954: Little Orphan Annie 23 Halves $13.90
1954: Lil Abner 16 Thirds, 1 Tab $10.25
1954: Little King 20 Mixed $6
1954: Lone Ranger 22 Mixed $44
1954: Mandrake the Magician 4 squares $2
1954: Major Jet--Sugar Jets Ads 4 Thirds $8
1954: Marlin Keel (rare) 1 Third $1
1954: Mickey Mouse 1 Third $2
1954: Ozark Ike 13 Thirds $17
1954: Pete the Tramp 13 Mixed $3.90
1954: The Phantom 30 Thirds $36
1954: Popeye 13 Mixed $19.50
1954: Popsicle Ad w/Abbott and Costello Bike ad Third $4
1954: Prince Valiant 8 Fulls $24
1954: Rusty Riley 9 Thirds $9
1954: Snuffy Smith 16 Mixed $4.80
1954: Steve Canyon 34 Mixed $23.80
1954: Steve Roper 5 Thirds $5
1954: Tillie the Toiler 16 Mixed $4.80
1954: Uncle Remus 7 Halves $14
1954: Vic Flint 6 Thirds, 4 Halves, 1 b/w Tab $12.50
1955: Alley Oop 1 Half (12/25) $1
1955: Big Ben Bolt 13 Thirds, 1 Half $6.75
1955: Blondie 23 Halves, Thirds $14
1955: Brick Bradford 1 Half Tab (8/21) $1
1955: Bringing Up Father 9 Fulls $13.50
1955: Buzz Sawyer 24 Halves/Thirds $7.25
1955: Dick Tracy 3 Halves (2/20, 11/18, 12/25) $9
1955: Donald Duck 25 Halves/Thirds $25
1955: Flash Gordon 25 Halves $61
1955: Henry 25 Halves/Thirds $7.25
1955: Johnny Hazard 1 Half, 1 Half Tab $4
1955: Katzenjammer Kids 26 Halves/Thirds $13
1955: Li'l Abner 7 Halves, 8 Thirds $15
1955: Little Iodine 26 Thirds $7.80
1955: Little King 25 Halves/Thirds $7.50
1955: Little Orphan Annie 23 Halves $23
1955: Lone Ranger 22 Halves/Thirds $16.50
1955: Mickey Mouse 26 Halves/Thirds $26
1955: Ozark Ike 12 Thirds $15
1955: Pete the Tramp 22 Halves $6.60
1955: Phantom 13 Thirds $12
1955: Popeye 24 Halves/Thirds $36
1955: Prince Valiant 16 Fulls $32
1955: Snuffy Smith 22 Thirds/Halves 6.60
1955: Steve Canyon 35 Thirds/Halves $30.60
1955: Terry and the Pirates 14 Halves, (plus 1 damaged half) $14
1955: Tillie the Toiler 22 Thirds/Halves $6.60
1955: Uncle Remus Tales of Brer Rabbit 28 Thirds/Halves $28
1955: Vic Flint 1 Half, 1 Third $2
1956: Alley Oop 3 (Thirds) $2.75
1956: Big Ben Bolt 8 (Thirds) $4
1956: Blondie 15 (Halves/Thirds) $9
1956: Bringing Up Father/Snookums 18 (Fulls) $27
1956: Buz Sawyer 18 (HalvesThirds) $5.40
1956: Captain Easy 2 (Thirds) $1.50
1956: Dick Tracy 5 (Halves) $15
1956: Dondi 17 (Halves/Thirds) $10
1956: Flash Gordon 17 Halves $42
1956: Heart of Juliet Jones 1 (Third) $1
1956: Henry 21 (Halves/Thirds) $6.10
1956: Joe Palooka 2 (Thirds) $.50
1956: Katzenjammer Kids 22 (Halves/Thirds) $11
1956: Lil Abner 12 (Thirds/Halves) $12
1956: Little Iodine 19 (Thirds) $5.70
1956: Little King 21 (Thirds/Halves) $6.30
1956: Little Orphan Annie 33 (Halves, few Tabs) $33
1956: Lone Ranger 17 (Halves/Thirds) $12.75
1956: Mark Trail 3 (Thirds) $.75
1956: Ozark Ike 33 (Thirds) $41
1956: Pete the Tramp 14 (Halves) $4.20
1956: Phantom 44 (Thirds) $39.50
1956: Popeye 17 (Halves/Thirds) $25.50
1956: Prince Valiant 15 (Fulls/Halves) $15
1956: Scamp 1 (Half) $.75
1956: Sgt. Bilko (Phil Silvers) Camel ad (Third) $3
1956: Snuffy Smith 19 (Thirds/Halves) $5.70
1956: Space Conquerers 5 $5
1956: Steve Canyon 40 (Thirds/Halves) $35
1956: Steve Roper 2 (Thirds) $2.85
1956: Terry and the Pirates 6 (Halves) $6
1956: Tillie the Toiler 18 (Thirds/Halves) $5.40
1957: Abbie and Slats 1 Tab (12/1) $.25
1957: Alley Oop 1 Third (1/27) $.85
1957: Dick Tracy 16 Halves (1/6, 1/13, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 3/3, 6/9, 7/28, 8/18, 9/1, 9/8, 9/15, 10/6, 11/24, 12/1, 12/29) $32
1957: Flash Gordon 22 Halves (1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 3/31, 4/7, 4/21, 4/28, 6/2, 6/9, 6/23, 7/7, 7/14, ?, 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22, 12/29) $55
1957: Johnny Hazard 1 Half (6/9) $2
1957: Heart of Juliet Jones 7 Thirds $7
1957: Lil Abner 11 Mixed $8.25
1957: Little Orphan Annie 28 Tabs/Halves $11.25
1957: Lone Ranger 42 Thirds/Halves $63
1957: Mickey Mantle Karo Syrup-Major League Baseball book offer 1 Half $2
1957: On Stage 1 Third (11/17) $.35
1957: Peanuts 13 Thirds, 1 Half $4
1957: Phantom 5 Thirds $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (1/20) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (1/27) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (3/31) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (4/28) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Half (6/2) $2.50
1957: Prince Valiant Full (6/16) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (6/23) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (6/30) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (7/7) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (7/21) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (7/28) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (9/8) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (9/15) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (9/22) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (9/29) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (12/1) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (12/22) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (12/15) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (12/8) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Full (12/29) $4
1957: Prince Valiant Tab (1/13) $4
1957: Space Conquerors 2 Tabs $2
1957: Steve Canyon 29 Halves/Thirds $21.75
1958: Alley Oop 1 Half Tab (11/2) $.50
1958: Buz Sawyer 4 Halves/Thirds $1.10
1958: Dick Tracy 1 Tab (11/2) $1.50
1958: "Duke" Handy 3 Thirds (Phillip Morris adventure strip/ad) $1.50
1958: Flash Gordon 26 (Halves/Thirds) $39
1958: Heart of Juliet Jones (10 Thirds) $5
1958: Henry 4 Halves/Thirds $1.10
1958: Johnny Hazard 1 Half (6/8) $1.50
1958: Little Iodine 4 Thirds $1.25
1958: Little King 5 Halves/Thirds $1.40
1958: Little Orphan Annie 13 Halves $5.20
1958: Lone Ranger 31 Halves/Thirds $34
1958: Pete the Tramp 2 Halves $.50
1958: The Phantom 19 (18 Thirds, 1 Half) $16
1958: Prince Valiant Full 2/9 $4
1958: Prince Valiant Full 3/2 $4
1958: Prince Valiant Full 5/4 $4
1958: Prince Valiant Full 5/25 $4
1958: Prince Valiant Full 6/1 $4
1958: Prince Valiant Full 7/13 $4
1958: Snuffy Smith 5 Halves $1.40
1958: Space Conquerors 6 Tabs, 2 Half Tabs $8
1958: Steve Canyon 26 (plus 1 torn) Halves/Thirds $19.50
1958: Terry and the Pirates 1 Half (8/3) $1
1958: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Half (6/8) $.25
1959: Alley Oop (9/27) Half $1
1959: Archie 14 mixed $3.50
1959: B.C. 8 Thirds, 1 Half $4.50
1959: Blondie 17 mixed $25.50
1959: Brenda Starr 1 Third $.50
1959: Bringing Up Father 17 3/4 page $25.50
1959: Buck Rogers (by George Tuska) 3 Thirds $6
1959: Buz Sawyer 23 mixed $4.60
1959: David Crane 2 Thirds $1
1959: Dick Tracy 10 mixed $8.75
1959: Donald Duck 10 mixed $24
1959: Flash Gordon 17 Thirds/Halves $51.50
1959: Heart of Juliet Jones 17 Thirds $12.75
1959: Henry 15 mixed $4.15
1959: Judge Parker 2 Thirds $1
1959: Katzenjamer Kids 19 mixed $9.50
1959: Lil Abner 4 Thirds, 1 Tab $1.35
1959: Little Annie Rooney 19 mixed $38
1959: Little Iodine 17 mixed $5.40
1959: Little King 17 mixed $4.75
1959: Little Orphan Annie 18 Mixed (mostly Halves) $7
1959: Lone Ranger 40 Thirds $38
1959: Mary Worth 1 Third $.50
1959: Mickey Mouse 7 mixed $14
1959: The Phantom 34 Thirds and Halves $27
1959: Tillie the Toiler 3 $.75
1959: Pete the Tramp 16 mixed $4
1959: Pogo 2 Thirds $1
1959: Popeye 16 mixed $24
1959: Prince Valiant 17 mixed $68
1959: Rex Morgan 4 Thirds $2
1959: Snuffy Smith 18 mixed $5
1959: Space Conquerors 10 Tabs and Half Tabs $10
1959: Steve Canyon 21 Halves/ Thirds $15.75
1959: Superman 1 Third (#1038) $3
1959: Uncle Remus 8 mixed $16
1960: Archie 6 Mixed $1.50
1960: Dick Tracy 15 Halves $26.25
1960: Flash Gordon 4 Mixed $6
1960: Heart of Juliet Jones 5 Thirds plus 1 Third (2/8) from '59 $3.00
1960: Joe Palooka 12 Mixed $3
1960: Lil Abner 7 Mixed (Halves/Thirds) $2.80
1960: Little Orphan Annie 16 Halves $6.25
1960: Lone Ranger 3 Halves $3
1960: The Phantom 36 Thirds and Halves $34
1960: Popeye 2 Halves $3
1960: Prince Valiant 15 Halves (Lone Ranger on reverse of one) $15
1960: Steve Canyon 38 Mixed (Halves/Thirds) $28.75
1960: Superman 1 Third (#1107) (Capt. Easy reverse) $3
1960: Uncle Remus Tales of Brer Rabbit 2 thirds (Lone Ranger reverse) $1.50
1961: Dick Tracy 12 Halves (top panel nick on one) $21
1961: Disney's Uncle Remus 2 Thirds $1.50
1961: Flash Gordon 28 (21 Halves/ 7 Thirds) $55
1961: Lil Abner 4 Halves/Thirds $1.60
1961: Little Orphan Annie 14 Halves $5.50
1961: Lone Ranger 4 Halves $4
1961: Mandrake the Magician 4 b/w squares $.50
1961: Phantom 12 Thirds $9
1961: Red Ryder 1 Third $.90
1961: Space Conquerors 4 Half Tabs from BOY'S LIFE $.80
1961: Steve Canyon 35 (28 Halves, 2 Tabs, 5 Thirds) $27
1961: Superman 1 Third (#1152) $3
1962: Abbie and Slats 1 Third $.60
1962: Alley Oop 1 Third $.75
1962: Archie 1 Half $.50
1962: Buz Sawyer 10 Halves/Thirds $2.50
1962: David Crane 1 Half $.50
1962: Dick Tracy 15 Halves $26
1962: Disney's Castaways 1 Third $.75
1962: Flash Gordon 15 Halves/Thirds (Phantom reverse on 2) $29
1962: Flintstones 7 Halves/Thirds $5
1962: Joe Palooka 11 mostly Halves $2.75
1962: Lil Abner 7 Thirds/Halves $2.95
1962: Lone Ranger 12 Thirds $12
1962: Mandrake 2 Halves $1.75
1962: Mary Worth 23 Halves/Thirds $12.50
1962: Phantom 20 Thirds $15
1962: Prince Valiant 1 Half (2/11) (Lone Ranger reverse) $1
1962: Prince Valiant 1 Half (12/16) $1
1962: Red Ryder 1 Third $.85
1962: Space Conquerers 1 Half-Tab $.20
1962: Steve Canyon 17 Halves/Thirds $12.75
1962: Steve Roper 8 Thirds (Mary Worth reverse on 1) $12
1962: Superman 1 Third (#1200) $3
1962: Yogi Bear 6 Halves/Thirds $3.60
1963: Captain Easy 4 Thirds $3
1963: Dick Tracy 1 Tab (4/21) $1.75
1963: Mary Perkins On Stage 1 Tab (4/21) $1
1963: The Phantom 1 Third $.75
1963: Red Ryder 5 Tabs $5
1963: Superman 2 Halves, 3 Thirds (#1222, 1223, 1227, 1228, 1240) $15
1964: Flash Gordon 3 (Thirds) $4.50
1964: Joe Palooka 3 (Thirds) $.75
1964: Kerry Drake 1 (Third) $1
1964: Phantom 4 (Thirds) (Kerry Drake reverse) $3.50
1964: Steve Canyon 1 (Third) $.75
1964: Steve Roper 3 (Thirds) $4.50
1964: Uncle Remus 4 (Thirds) $3
1965: Abbie and Slats 1 (Tab) $1
1965: Alley Oop 1 (Tab) $1.75
1965: Archie 1 (Third) $.25
1965: Dick Tracy 2 (Halves) $3.50
1965: Disney's Monkey's Uncle 1 (Third) $.75
1965: Disney's Those Calloways 1 (Third) $.75
1965: Kerry Drake 2 (Thirds) $2
1965: Kevin the Bold 1 (Tab) $2.50
1965: Lil Abner 2 (Tab, Third) $.80
1965: Little Orphan Annie 3 (Halves) $1.20
1965: Peanuts 1 (Tab) $1
1965: Phantom 1 (Third) $.75
1965: Space Conquerors 2 (Half Tabs) $.40
1965: Steve Canyon 1 (Third) $.75
1965: Steve Roper 2 (Halves) $3
1965: Yogi Bear 20 (Thirds) $10
1966: Batman and Robin 1 (Third) $1
1966: Dick Tracy 6 (Halves) $10.50
1966: Disney's Follow Me Boys 1 (Third) $.75
1966: Kerry Drake 1 (Third) $1
1966: Little Orphan Annie 10 (Halves) $4
1966: Mark Trail 5 (Halves/Thirds) $1
1966: Phantom 6 (Thirds) $4.50
1966: Steve Canyon 1 (Third) $.75
1966: Steve Roper 6 (Halves/Thirds) $9
1967: Batman and Robin 1 Third (12/24) (Phantom reverse) $1
1967: Disney's Bullwhip Griffin 2 thirds $1.50
1967: Disney's Gnome Mobile 2 thirds $1.50
1967: Disney's Happiest Millionaire 7 thirds $5.25
1967: Disney's Scamp 1 third $.75
1967: Disney's Uncle Remus/Brer Rabbit 1 quarter $.50
1967: Donald Duck 5 (mixed thirds and quarters) $3.75
1967: Flash Gordon 2 Halves, 1 Third (6/11, 6/18, 10/22) $3
1967: Little Orphan Annie 16 Mixed $6.50
1967: Mickey Mouse 3 (Thirds/quarters) $2
1967: The Phantom 1 Third (9/10) $.75
1967: Prince Valiant 2 2/3rds, 8 Halves (Steve Roper, Flash Gordon reverse on some) $15
1967: Steve Canyon 39 Thirds $29.70
1967: Terry and the Pirates 3 Tabs, 2 Halves $5
1968: Alley Oop 1 Third (1/7) $1
1968: Apartment 3-G 47 Thirds, 1 Tab $24
1968: Batman and Robin 1 Third $1
1968: Dick Tracy 5 Halves $5
1968: Disney's Blackbeard's Ghost 13 Thirds $9.75
1968: Disney's Never A Dull Moment 13 Thirds $9.75
1968: Disney's Winnie the Pooh 9 thirds $6.75
1968: Disney's Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit 13 Thirds $9.75
1968: Flash Gordon 6 Thirds (6/30, 7/21, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13) $6
1968: Kerry Drake 52 Thirds $52
1968: Kevin the Bold 1 Tab $2.50
1968: Little Orphan Annie 48 Mixed (Halves, Tabs, Thirds) $20
1968: Lone Ranger 34 Thirds, 2 Halves $36
1968: Mary Worth 3 Thirds $1.50
1968: Mickey Mouse 7 Quarters $5.25
1968: Peanuts 52 Thirds $37
1968: Phantom 41 Thirds, 1 Quarter, 1 Half $32.25
1968: Prince Valiant 7 Halves (1/14, 6/30, 7/21, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13) $10.50
1968: Steve Canyon 51 Halves/Thirds $39
1968: Tales From the Great Book 42 Halves/Thirds $21
1968: Tim Tyler's Luck 1 Third $.50
1968: Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit 4 Quarters $3
1969: Andy Capp 2 Thirds $1
1969: Apartment 3-G 17 Thirds, 1 Half $9
1969: Archie 50 Thirds $12.50
1969: Beetle Bailey 45 Thirds $22.50
1969: Big Ben Bolt 1 quarter $.85
1969: Blondie 49 Halves $29.50
1969: Brenda Starr 33 Thirds, 5 Tabs $36
1969: Bringing Up Father 16 Thirds $8
1969: Captain Easy 1 Third (11/23) $.85
1969: Captain Kate 1 Third $3
1969: Dateline Danger 1 Half/1 Third $8
1969: Dick Tracy 46 Halves and Tabs $46
1969: Disney's Computer Wore Tennis Shoes 2 Thirds $1.50
1969: Disney's My Dog, the Thief 10 Thirds $7.50
1969: Disney's Smith 9 Thirds $6.75
1969: Dondi 4 Tabs, 2 Thirds $4.50
1969: Donald Duck 50 Thirds $37.50
1969: Flash Gordon 1 Third (2/9) $1
1969: Gordo 1 Third $.50
1969: Judge Parker 33 Thirds, 1 Half (Apt. 3-G reverse of 13) $25.50
1969: Kerry Drake 48 Thirds $48
1969: Laugh-In 5 Thirds, 1 Half Tab $3.60
1969: Lil Abner 29 Thirds, 4 Tabs $13.25
1969: Little Orphan Annie 32 Mixed $13.00
1969: Lone Ranger 43 Thirds $43
1969: Mark Trail 47 Thirds $10.50
1969: Mary Worth 46 Thirds, 1 Half $23.50
1969: Mickey Mouse 3 quarters $2.25
1969: Peanuts 50 Thirds $36.50
1969: Phantom 49 Thirds $49
1969: Prince Valiant 1 Half (2/2) $1
1969: Prince Valiant 1 Half (6/22) $1
1969: Prince Valiant 1 Half (9/14) $1
1969: Rex Morgan 34 Mixed (mostly thirds) $17
1969: Rick O'Shay 1 Third $.75
1969: Scamp 3 Thirds $2.25
1969: Smokey Stover 1 Third $.50
1969: Steve Canyon 48 thirds, 1 Half $36.75
1969: Steve Roper 1 Tab, 1 Half, 47 Thirds $73.50
1969: Tales from the Great Book 18 Thirds $9
1969: Terry and the Pirates 2 Halves $2
1969: Winnie Winkle 3 Half Tabs, 1 Third $2.50
1969: Yogi Bear 3 Thirds $1.50
1970: Andy Capp: 1 Third $.50
1970: Apt. 3-G 1 Third $.50
1970: Archie 32 Thirds, 2 quarters $8.50
1970: Children's Tales: Cinderella (Pt. 2) 1 Half $.50
1970: Dateline Danger 1 Third $4
1970: Dick Tracy 4 Tabs, 7 Halves $11
1970: Donald Duck 30 Thirds, 4 quarters $25
1970: Dondi 10 Tabs, 1 Third $8
1970: Flash Gordon 9 b/w Tabs $7.50
1970: Friday Foster 10 Half Tabs/1 Third $55
1970: Heart of Juliet Jones 29 Thirds, 1 Half, 1 quarter (plus 10 b/w tabs with more panels) $17
1970: Kerry Drake 5 Thirds $5
1970: Lil Abner 9 Tabs, 1 Third $4
1970: Little Orphan Annie 4 Halves, 4 Thirds $3.20
1970: Lone Ranger 30 Thirds $30
1970: Mark Trail 5 Thirds $1.10
1970: Mary Worth 1 Half/5 Thirds $3
1970: Mickey Mouse 1 Third (Dick Tracy reverse), 5 quarters $4.50
1970: Peanuts 32 Thirds, 1 Half $24
1970: Phantom 31 Thirds, 1 b/w Tab $24
1970: Prince Valiant 1 Half (3/8) $1
1970: Rex Morgan M.D. 8 Half Tabs, 1 Half, 1 Third (Prince Valiant 8/23 reverse) $5
1970: Steve Canyon 12 Thirds, 1 Half $9.75
1970: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 1 Half, 4 Thirds $7.50
1970: Terry and the Pirates 1 Tab, 1 Half $2
1970: Yogi Bear 1 Half $.50
1971: Archie 27 Thirds $6.75
1971: Beetle Bailey 23 Thirds $11.50
1971: Blondie 7 Halves (Mandrake reverse on 1) $4.25
1971: Brick Bradford 23 Halves/Thirds, 1 Tab (Donald Duck reverse on one, Mandrake on one) $23
1971: Dick Tracy 35 Halves/Thirds $35
1971: Flash Gordon 35 halves/ Thirds (ask for dates) $35
1971: Hi and Lois 29 Thirds, couple Halves $13
1971: Johnny Hazard 1 Third $1
1971: Katzenjammer Kids 30 Thirds $15
1971: Kerry Drake 9 Thirds $9
1971: Mandrake 31 Halves/ Thirds/1 Tab (Brick Bradford reverse on 7, Tarzan on 4) $30
1971: Mary Perkins On Stage 7 Thirds $3.50
1971: Mary Worth 8 Thirds $3
1971: Mickey Mouse 34 Thirds (Brick Bradford reverse on 6, Tarzan on 2) $26
1971: Peanuts 26 (Halves, Thirds) $19
1971: Phantom 1 Third $.75
1971: Prince Valiant 37 Halves (Tarzan reverse on 1, Brick Bradford on 1, Mandrake on 4) (ask for dates) $40
1971: Rex Morgan 1 Third $.50
1971: Steve Canyon 7 Thirds $5.25
1971: Steve Roper/Mike Nomad 7 Thirds $10.50
1971: Tarzan 17 Thirds $17
1971: Terry and the Pirates 1 Half $.90
1971: Tim Tyler's Luck 33 Thirds $16.50
1972: Apartment 3-G 19 Halves/Thirds $9.50
1972: Brick Bradford 29 Halves, 1Third (Mandrake reverse on 11) $29
1972: Brenda Starr 18 Thirds, 2 Tabs $19
1972: Captain Easy 1 Third $.85
1972: Dick Tracy 47 Halves $42.30
1972: Dondi 1 Tab, 1 Third $1.45
1972: Doonsbury 17 Thirds $7.65
1972: Flash Gordon 27 Halves, 1 Third (ask for dates) $27
1972: Friday Foster 1 Half Tab $5
1972: Judge Parker 18 Halves, 1 Third $14.25
1972: Kerry Drake 40 Thirds $38
1972: Li'l Abner 2 Tabs $.80
1972: Little Orphan Annie 50 mostly Halves $20
1972: Mandrake the Magician 35 Halves/Thirds $34
1972: Mark Trail 40 Thirds $8.75
1972: Mary Perkins On Stage 41 Thirds, 1 Tab (Phantom reverse on 33) $21
1972: Mary Worth 40 Thirds $16
1972: Mickey Mouse 49 Thirds $37.50
1972: Phantom 8 Thirds (see also Mary Perkins) $6
1972: Prince Valiant 52 Halves (ask for dates) $52
1972: Rex Morgan 2 Thirds $1
1972: Steve Canyon 27 Thirds $20
1972: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 41 Thirds (Steve Canyon reverse on 6) $61
1972: Tarzan (Russ Manning art) 46 Thirds (Flash Gordon reverse on 19, Mandrake on 2) $46
1972: Tim Tyler's Luck 20 Thirds $6
1972: Uncle Remus/Brer Rabbit 27 Thirds $20.25
1973: Andy Capp 5 Thirds $2.50
1973: Apartment 3-G 17 Thirds/4 Halves $10.50
1973: Brenda Starr 2 Tabs $2
1973: Buz Sawyer 14 Thirds $3.50
1973: Cannon by Wally Wood. Three OVERSEAS WEEKLY full pages. b/w #C111, C112, C121 $6
1973: Dick Tracy 47 Halves/Thirds $40
1973: Disney's Cinderella 9 Thirds $15
1973: Disney's World's Greatest Athlete 12 Thirds $9
1973: Donald Duck 21 Halves, 1 Square (Brick Bradford reverse) $20
1973: Dondi 1 Tab $.70
1973: Friday Foster 2 Half Tabs $10
1973: Judge Parker 20 Thirds, 1 Half $15.75
1973: Kerry Drake 46 Thirds $43
1973: Lil Abner 2 Tabs $.80
1973: Little Orphan Annie 43 Halves/Thirds $17.25
1973: Mandrake 21 Thirds $20.50
1973: Mark Trail 7 Thirds $1.50
1973: Mary Worth 46 Thirds $18.50
1973: Mickey Mouse 21 Thirds $16
1973: Phantom 38 Thirds (Steve Canyon reverse on 27) $28.50
1973: Pogo 10 Thirds, 2 Halves $12
1973: Prince Valiant 41 Halves (ask for dates) $1 each $41
1973: Rex Morgan 20 Thirds, 1 Half Tab, 1 Half (Judge Parker reverse) $11
1973: Rick O'Shay 1 Half Tab $.50
1973: Scamp 1 Third $.95
1973: Steve Canyon 28 mostly Thirds, few Halves $20.75
1973: Steve Roper/Mike Nomad 49 Thirds $72.90
1973: Winnie Winkle 1 Third $.30
1974: Andy Capp 1 Third $.50
1974: Apartment 3G 51 mostly Thirds $30.60
1974: Archie 52 mostly Thirds $15.30
1974: Brenda Starr 12 (10 Thirds, 2 Tabs) $12
1974: Dick Tracy 47 Thirds $41.90
1974: Dick Tracy 2 Tabs (5/26, 12/8) $2
1974: Disney's Herbie Rides Again (5/26), Island at the Top of the World (12/8) $2
1974: Dondi 2 Tabs $1.50
1974: Doonesbury 26 Thirds $11.75
1974: Heart of Juliet Jones 11 (8 Quarters/3 Thirds) $6
1974: Judge Parker 52 mostly Thirds $42
1974: Kerry Drake 50 Thirds $47.50
1974: Little Orphan Annie 14 (12 Thirds/2 Tabs) $4.85
1974: Mark Trail 8 mostly Quarters $1.50
1974: Mary Worth 53 Thirds $27
1974: Phantom 51 mostly Thirds $40.75
1974: Pogo 28 mostly Thirds $28
1974: Prince Valiant 50 Mixed $42.50
1974: Rex Morgan 52 mostly Thirds $31.50
1974: Steve Canyon 52 mostly Thirds $41.50
1974: Steve Roper/Mike Nomad [set 1] 53 Thirds $79.50
1974: Steve Roper/Mike Nomad [set 2] 41 mostly Thirds $61
1974: Yogi Bear 11 Thirds $5.50
1975: Apartment 3-G 50 (47 Thirds, 3 Quarters) $30
1975: Cannon by Wally Wood 24 Full 11x15 inch b/w pages from OVERSEAS WEEKLY. Dates range from Dec. '75 to Jan. '77. These strips originally ran in 1972. A few backsides have Air Hawk or James Bond $55
1975: Judge Parker 47 (45 Thirds, 2 Quarters) $40
1975: Mary Worth 47 (43 Thirds, 4 Quarters) $21
1975: Prince Valiant 37 (28 Halves, 9 Thirds) $35
1975: Rex Morgan 48 (44 Thirds, 4 Quarters) $29
1975: Steve Canyon 46 (43 Thirds, 3 Quarters) $33
1975: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 49 (36 Thirds, 13 Quarters) $70
1976: Alley Oop 15 Thirds $7
1976: Andy Capp 26 Thirds (plus 1 quarter w/extra panel) (Lil Abner reverse on most) $15
1976: Apartment 3-G 51 Thirds and Quarters (Bonus: 2 dupe quarters w/extra panels) $31.60
1976: Archie 31 Thirds $9
1976: Brenda Starr 2 Thirds, 2 Quarters $4
1976: Bringing Up Father 32 Thirds $16
1976: Dick Tracy 27 Quarters and Thirds $24
1976: Donald Duck 3 Quarters $2.25
1976: Dondi 2 Quarters $1.40
1976: Flash Gordon 30 Thirds $27
1976: Heart of Juliet Jones 17 Thirds and Quarters $9.50
1976: Inside Woody Allen 1 Third, 1 Quarter $2
1976: Judge Parker 49 Thirds and Quarters (Bonus: 6 dupe quarters w/extra panels) $45
1976: Kerry Drake 1 Quarter, 1 Third $1.90
1976: Mary Worth 51 Thirds and Quarters (Bonus: 13 dupe quarters w/extra panels) $28.60
1976: Mickey Mouse 19 mostly Thirds, few Quarters $14.25
1976: Prince Valiant 50 Halves and Thirds $47
1976: Rex Morgan MD 51 Thirds and Quarters (Bonus: 12 dupe quarters w/extra panels) $34
1976: Rick O'Shay 2 Quarters, 1 Third $2.25
1976: Scamp 39 Thirds $37
1976: Steve Canyon 52 Thirds and Halves $35.85
1976: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 2 Thirds, 1 Quarter $4.25
1976: Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit 1 Third $.75
1976: Winnie Winkle 2 Quarters $1.25
1976: Yogi Bear 1 Half $.50
1977: Amazing Spider-Man 3 Thirds, 1 Half Tab $6
1977: Heart of Juliet Jones 9 Thirds $4.10
1977: Howard the Duck 11 Half-Tabs (includes 2nd Sunday strip 6/19) $6
1977: Mickey Mouse 55 Mixed (plus 2 Donald Duck) $22
1977: Star Hawks by Gil Kane and Ron Goulart 3 Half Tabs (10/16, 10/23, 11/3) 1 Half (10/8/78), 1 CIRCUS WEEKLY (2/11/79), 4 b/w strips (11/77) $1.80
1978-1979: Conan the Barbarian 3 Thirds (11/26/78, 2/11/79, 4/8/79) plus 3 b/w Thirds printed for (I believe) OVERSEAS WEEKLY (strips 3, 4, 5). Also 3 1978 dailies. $3
1978: Amazing Spiderman 50 Thirds/Quarters $50
1978: Andy Capp 25 Mixed $12.50
1978: Apartment 3-G 2 (1 Third, 1 quarter) $1
1978: Asterix and Obelix 5 Mixed $1.75
1978: B.C. 46 (Thirds, quarters) $18.50
1978: Beetle Bailey 19 (Tabs, Born Loser tab reverse) $8
1978: Brenda Starr 2 (Thirds) $2
1978: Dick Tracy 46 Mixed $41
1978: Disney's Pinocchio 1 Third (10/8) $2
1978: Disney's Winnie the Pooh 14 Thirds and quarters $21
1978: Donald Duck 2 (Thirds) $1.50
1978: Doonesbury 33 Mixed $13
1978: Funky Winkerbean 40 (Mostly Thirds) $16
1978: Hagar the Horrible 50 Mixed $18
1978: Heart of Juliet Jones 43 (quarters, thirds) $23.50
1978: Jeff Hawke 13 quarters $13
1978: Judge Parker 25 quarters $18.75
1978: Kerry Drake 35 Thirds, quarters $33.25
1978: Mary Worth 50 (Mixed, Phantom on reverse of 26) $37.50
1978: Mickey Mouse 25 (thirds and quarters) $18.75
1978: Peanuts 19 (Tabs,Blondie tab reverse) $13
1978: Phantom 7 (6 Thirds, 1 Half) $6.30
1978: Prince Valiant 50 Mixed Thirds, Halves $38
1978: Rex Morgan 3 (2 Thirds, 1 quarter) $1.50
1978: Shoe 43 Mixed $15
1978: Steve Canyon 48 Mixed $33
1978: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 35 Mixed $52
1979: Andy Capp 47 Mixed $23
1979: Andy Capp 47 Half Tabs $21
1979: Amazing Spider-Man 14 Thirds $21
1979: Amazing Spider-Man 34 Mixed $34
1979: Apartment 3-G 8 Quarters $5
1979: Archie 29 Mixed $8.15
1979: B.C. 44 Mixed $18
1979: Beetle Bailey 50 Mixed $20
1979: Beetle Bailey 49 Tabs $21
1979: Blondie 50 Thirds $25
1979: Blondie 49 Tabs $32
1979: Born Loser 36 Quarters $12.50
1979: Born Loser 49 Tabs $20
1979: Broom Hilda 43 Quarters $15
1979: Buck Rogers 9 Thirds $4.50
1979: Cathy 7 Quarters $2.45
1979: Crock 25 Quarters $8.75
1979: Dennis the Menace 47 Quarters $16.50
1979: Dick Tracy 37 Mixed $33
1979: Dick Tracy 26 Half Tabs (12 have Crimestoppers cut) $13
1979: Doonesbury 22 Mixed $7.70
1979: Dunigan's People 21 Mixed $7.35
1979: Emmy Lou 4 Half Tabs $1.20
1979: Frank and Ernest 49 Half Tabs $14.75
1979: Funky Winkerbean 23 Mixed $8.00
1979: Hagar 44 Mixed $15.85
1979: Heart of Juliet Jones 51 Quarters $28
1979: Henry 21 Mixed $7.35
1979: Hi and Lois 48 Mixed $16.80
1979: Incredible Hulk 1 Half, 3 Quarters $1.75
1979: John Darling 24 Quarters $8.40
1979: Judge Parker 50 Quarters $37.50
1979: Kerry Drake 23 Mixed $20
1979: Marmaduke 39 Half Tabs $11.75
1979: Marvelous Fun and Games 2 Quarters $1
1979: Mary Worth 46 Mixed $34.50
1979: Mickey Mouse 16 Mixed $12.00
1979: Nancy 37 Mixed $12.95
1979: Nancy 49 Half Tabs $12.25
1979: Peanuts 47 Mixed $32
1979: Peanuts 49 Tabs $37
1979: Phantom 22 Mixed $19.80
1979: Prince Valiant 50 Thirds $37.50
1979: Redeye 18 Mixed $6.30
1979: Rex Morgan 37 Quarters $18.50
1979: Shoe 44 Mixed $15.50
1979: Snuffy Smith 21 Mixed $7.50
1979: Star Wars. First six Sundays, 5 third, 1 Half (Plus large 6 1/2 x 10 inch newspaper ad for start of daily and Sunday strip $23.50
1979: Star Wars 37 Mixed $18.50
1979: Steve Canyon 12 Mixed $4.20
1979: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 22 Mixed $32
1979: Tiger 21 Quarters $7.35
1979: Trudy 19 Thirds $6.65
1979: Tumbleweeds 40 Quarters 14
1979: Winnie the Pooh 21 Mixed $31
1979: Wizard of ID 49 Quarters $17
1979: World's Greatest Super Heroes 27 Quarters $13.50
1979: Wright Angles 45 Half Tabs $13.50
1984: Andy Capp 53 Half Tabs $26.50
1984: Born Loser 53 Tabs (Garfield/Frank and Ernest Half Tabs Reverse) $26
1984: Peanuts 53 Tabs (Blondie Tabs Reverse) $40
1985: Andy Capp 52 Half Tabs $26
1985: Born Loser 52 Tabs (Garfield/Frank and Ernest Half Tabs Reverse) $25
1985: Peanuts 52 Tabs (Blondie Tabs Reverse) $40
1986: Andy Capp 51 Half Tabs $25
1986: Born Loser 51 Tabs (Garfield/Frank and Ernest Half Tabs Reverse) $25
1986: Peanuts 51 Tabs (Blondie Tabs Reverse) $39
1987: Andy Capp 49 Half Tabs $24
1987: Andy Capp 40 Mixed $20
1987: Beetle Bailey 49 Full Tabs $26
1987: Beetle Bailey 36 Mixed $15
1987: Blondie 49 Full Tabs $24
1987: Blondie 42 Mixed $20
1987: Bloom County 51 Mixed $15
1987: Born Loser 49 Full Tabs $23
1987: Born Loser 50 Mixed $15
1987: Broom Hilda 50 Mixed $15
1987: Cathy 51 Mixed $15
1987: Crock 11 Mixed $3.85
1987: Dennis the Menace 51 Mixed $15
1987: Doonesbury 51 Mixed $15
1987: Frank and Ernest 50 Mixed $15
1987: Funky Winkerbean 7 Mixed $2.45
1987: Garfield 48 Mixed $14
1987: Hagar 51 Mixed $17.85
1987: Herman 9 Mixed $3
1987: Hi and Lois 51 Mixed $15
1987: John Darling 11 Mixed $3.85
1987: Judge Parker 47 Mixed $35
1987: Mary Worth 51 Mixed $38
1987: Mickey Mouse 9 Mixed $2.25
1987: Nancy 49 Half Tabs $12.25
1987: Peanuts 49 Full Tabs $36
1987: Peanuts 51 Mixed $35
1987: Phantom 51 Mixed $45
1987: Prince Valiant 48 Mixed $12
1987: Rex Morgan MD 47 Mixed $23
1987: Shoe 50 Mixed $15
1987: Snuffy Smith 10 Quarters $3
1987: Spiderman 3 Mixed $1
1987: Tumbleweeds 51 Mixed $15
1987: Wizard of ID 50 Mixed $15
1987: Wright Angles 48 Mixed $4
1990: Amazing Spider-Man 2 Quarters $.50
1990: Andy Capp 2 quarters (6/10, 6/24) $.50
1990: Apartment 3-G 2 Quarters (6/10, 6/24) $.50
1990: Batman 1 Quarter (6/10) $.25
1990: Brenda Starr 1 Quarter (6/10) $.25
1990: Dick Tracy 1 Quarter (6/10) $.25
1990: Gasoline Alley w/ Dick Tracy spoof 1 Quarter $.50
1990: Judge Parker 2 Quarters (6/10, 6/17) $.50
1990: Little Orphan Annie 1 Quarter (6/10) $.25
1990: Mary Worth 4 Mixed $1.10
1990: Mickey Mouse 3 Quarters $.75
1990: Prince Valiant 11 Quarters $2.75
1990: Rex Morgan 4 Quarters $1
1990: Steve Roper and Mike Nomad 1 Quarter (6/10) $.40
1990: Winnie Winkle 1 Quarter (6/10) $.25
1990: Teenage Mutant Turtles 1 Quarter $.20
We have lots more uncatalogued Sunday strips from '79-'89, even some in '90. If you are looking for particular strips in those years, let us know.    

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