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Western Clippings Back Issues

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Daily Comic Strips
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Sunday Comic Strips

Books by Boyd Magers

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Lobby Cards

Movie Posters

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Will "Sugarfoot" Hutchins
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Do You Remember?
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Miscellaneous For Sale

Vending Machine Cards, Various Trading Cards, Exhibit Cards, Bubble Gum Cards, etc.
Pinbacks, Medals, Badges & Buttons
Big Little Books
16mm Films
Records, CDs, Sheet Music & Song Books
Magazines & Publications (Western, Sci-Fi, Horror, etc.)
Movie Press Books
Movie Press Books-Page 2
Miscellaneous Premiums, Toys, Collectibles & Clippings
Miscellaneous Premiums, Toys, Collectibles & Clippings-Page 2
Miscellaneous Premiums, Toys, Collectibles & Clippings-Page 3

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Some items are unphotographed. If you would like to see a photo of a listing, we will be glad to email a photo to you.

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Movie Pressbooks

Very Good or better condition unless noted.
All have ads, casts, synopsis, publicity, photos.

Item Description
“Perils of the Jungle” Clyde Beatty. 4 pages $4
“The Praire” (‘47) Alan Baxter. 8 pages (1 small ad cut) $5
“Paint Your Wagon” (‘69) Clint Eastwood. 4 page story guide $1
“The Plainsman” (‘66) Don Murray. 8 pgs $7
“Stranger From Texas” Charles Starrett. 1 pg $2
“Support Your Local Sheriff” (‘69) James Garner. 4 pgs $8
“Surrender” (‘50) John Carroll. 16 pgs $12
“Shepherd of the Ozarks” (‘42) Wesaver Bros. and Elviry. 2 pgs $1
“Sam Whiskey” (‘69) Burt Reynolds. 4 pgs $5
“Stranger Returns” (‘68) Tony Anthony. 16 pgs $8
“Tarzan and the Valley of Gold” Mike Henry. 12 pgs. $10
“Tarzan's Hidden Jungle” Gordon Scott. 12 pgs. (2 ads cut) $7
“Tex Granger” serial (‘59 Reissue) Robert Kellard. 4 pgs. $4
“They Call Me Trinity” (‘71) Terence Hill. 4 pgs $5
“Trouble on the Trail” Wild Bill Hickok (Guy Madison) (one ad cut) $2
“Untamed Heiress” (‘54) Judy Canova, Don Barry (slight water stain top right corner.) 6 pages $7
“Waterhole #3” (‘67) James Coburn. 4 page ad flyer $1
“Waterhole #3” (‘67) James Coburn. 4 page ad flyer $1
“Walk Tall” (‘60) Willard Parker. 2 pages $2

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