Many western TV series focused their attention on child actors—Johnny Crawford on “Rifleman”, Johnny Washbrook on “My Friend Flicka”, Kurt Russell on “Travels of Jaimie McPheeters”, Bobby Diamond on “Fury”, Lee Aaker on “Rin Tin Tin”, Jimmy Hawkins on “Annie Oakley”, Darby Hinton on “Daniel Boone”—but two that are too often overlooked are Tommy Nolan on “Buckskin” (‘58-‘59 ABC) and Mickey Braddock (later Mickey Dolenz) on “Circus Boy” (‘56-‘57 NBC)…and both starred in their own Dell comic books.
“Buckskin” began airing as a summer replacement in July ‘58. Dell comics was behind the curve on this one with the first issue, Four Color #1011, not hitting newsstands until July-Sept. ‘59, several months after the TV series left the air in May ‘59. The second, and final, issue from Dell, FC #1107, wasn’t released until over a year later, June-August ‘60.
Both issues featured cover photos and inside front cover photos of star Tommy Nolan and mom Sallie Brophy.
Art in both issues is from Sparky Moore (1925- ) who drew excellent representations of Nolan and Brophy. Moore also drew RANGE RIDER, ZORRO and RIN TIN TIN stories for Dell. Stories were written by Eric Freiwald and Robert Shaefer. Both issues in Fine can be found for $18-$20.
Next month—CIRCUS BOY.
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