There never was a comic book based on the excellent Don Collier/Barton MacLane “Outlaws” TV series which ran for 117 episodes on NBC from Sept. ‘60 to May ‘62. There should have been.
Purnell Publishers in England realized this and produced a one-shot hardback 8¼ x 11" 95 page book in 1961, along the same lines as their “Gunsmoke” eidition. (Jarrold and Sons gathered up “Tales of Wells Fargo”, “Cheyenne”, “Sugarfoot”, “Wagon Train” and others, reprinting Dell Comics and adding original material—but that’s another story).
As far as can be determined OUTLAWS is the only instance in which a U.S. TV western
series was rewarded with an all original English edition with never a U.S. counterpart.
Following the basic U.K. hardback format, a combination of text stories and illustrated comic stories as other English reprint editions, OUTLAWS contains nine text tales accompanied by several spot illustrations and three b/w eight page comic stories. Stories were written by Philip Davies with art by Simonetti and Leo Rawlings. It’s a hard book to find, but well worth seeking out.
