Photos from “A Gathering of Guns 2—A TV Western Reunion” at the Memphis Film Festival, co-sponsored by WESTERN CLIPPINGS, June 3-5, 2010, at Whispering Woods Hotel and Convention Center in Olive Branch, Mississippi.
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Messages from "A Gathering of Guns 2" Attendees at the Memphis Film Festival
Hello Boyd,
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much we all enjoyed the festival. It truly went beyond all of our expectations and the hard work you put into the event came shining through. You helped me fulfill a childhood fantasy.
Thank you & rest up because next year will be here before we know it.
—Jan Von Deck (Yup I got to sit next to James Stacy!)
Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for putting together a fan-tabulous event. For most of us in the Clint Walker Fan Club, this was our first experience at the Memphis Film Festival and I have to tell what a wonderful time we had.
I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time, coordination, and work it takes to put something like this on but you all did a incredible job. Our group had the time of our lives and so, it seemed, did everyone else we encountered.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
—Debbie C., Illinois
Boyd...Hi again.
Just wanted to take a moment and thank you for courtesy's you extended both Pat (Devon) and myself while at the festival. When I left California not knowing what to expect, I came home with a deep appreciation of what you and Ray do. What a job you two (others) do to get that festival to the level of excellence.
While I was there, I had the opportunity to meet some great people that participated and attended the show.
Boyd, It was great and had a ball.
—Chris Robinson (Nephew of Don Durant “Johnny Ringo”)
Mr. Magers,
I would like to thank you and everyone who had a hand in organizing the Memphis Film Festival. My sister and I attended for the first time last year and couldn’t wait til this year. Especially since William Smith and James Stacy were here. We are already planning to come next year and hopefully for more than just Saturday.
I don’t know how you determine who will attend, but meeting William Smith has been a long time dream of mine and you fulfilled that for me. He and his wife Joanne were so gracious and did not mind us taking pictures and talking about anything we wanted to with them, no matter how silly.
Another favorite of mine was Darby Hinton; what a nice man; and good looking. I will have to see about becoming one of his Darby’s Darlings, if not the head one.
My sister’s favorite, although she is not an official Lancer Girl, is James Stacy, and I can’t ever leave out Will Hutchins; such a funny, funny and nice man.
Les Gilliam is SO friendly and very entertaining, along with Johnny Western. I doubt Les remembered us from last year, but he sure acted as if he did.
I could go on and on, but I wanted to mention a few of the main stars for us, with the hopes they’ll all be back; but we did enjoy every one of them.
I know you are a very busy man, but hopefully you will take note of how much we appreciate you and all the rest for putting on such a grand event.
—Terri Watson, Marion, AR
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for one of the best weekends of my life. Back here in Sydney it seems so far away, yet the memories are crystal clear and will last a lifetime.
The guest stars were the most charming people I have ever encountered. I felt that I was there for my mother, who brought me up with a passion for these people. She would have loved to have been there, and in spirit she was. Thank you for gathering together these generous, honest, open folk for us to meet. And thank you for the expertly-conducted forums and the screening of shows I haven't seen in more years than I care to think about. If you ever have opportunity to, please let all the special guests know just how much their presence meant to us. They are our heroes and will forever remain such. The fact they are courteous, considerate and generous people only endears them more.
Thank you, too, for the chance to meet up with other Lancer Ladies. I know we were loud and boisterous. I apologise if we came across too strongly at times—it's just overwhelming to finally meet face-to-face a lovely group of women I have known for five years. To be able to do it in such an environment was beyond my greatest expectations. And to be recognised as a group of Lancer Ladies was heartwarming. Thank you for the chance to sing our little song, to sit together at the banquet and even for personalizing our name tags. I felt like a special guest myself! Or at least the kid let loose in the candy store.
Your organisational acumen, commitment to the genre and generosity of spirit were boundless. I thank you, and all who helped you, for conducting such a wonderful event. Those few short days brought both tears and laughter, and every emotion in between.
I can't wait to do it all again.
My fondest regards,
—Fliss (Felicity Bonello),
A Lancer Lady from Australia
Hi Boyd,
I just wanted to say, yet again, on behalf of myself, but ALL of the Lancer Ladies, a huge THANK YOU for putting on this recent Memphis Film Festival. You made dreams come true for so many women. Also a big THANK YOU for making the special arrangements for the Lancer Ladies with the name tags and the banquet seating!
Our Lancer boards have been filled with glowing reports of the festival, as well as the heartrendering sadness that we are no longer living in that magical world that the Film Festival provided for us. I don't think there was a dry eye on Sunday, as the majority of people were leaving, stars included.
I have to commend you on the slate of stars as well. It was a fabulous mix! I must say, I didn't know much about Jan Shepard, but I came away feeling like she was a long lost friend! I think having Louie and Bob Fuller along with James was good for him as well. Darby Hinton, Mitch Vogel and his wife, well, just plain old great people! By the way, you could not have had a better event photographer in Stephen St. John! He was as much fun as the stars!
I also, really enjoyed the after hours and hallway conversations with these folks, all of whom had a great fondness for our man, James Stacy. Almost all of them had a personal relationship with him or his family during the time of his accident and it was great to see and hear the affection they still have for him. He's had a rough life.
You can count on all of us Lancer Ladies to be there next year, with even more troops! If you can somehow manage to snare the reclusive Wayne Maunder, well, we'll be bringing the 'Scott' girls too. And yes, we are divided, although there are WAY more Johnny girls!
Anyway, we down here in the South still say 'thank you' with a note, albeit, electronically, but still, having it in writing is always nice.
If there is anything I or any Lancer Ladies can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. I am putting together a bound album for the event for us, covering everything and will be happy to forward you a copy when it is done.
Thanks again to you, Ray, your wives, Bonnie, and all the others who made this event so special for us!
—Donna Brooks Brisbin, Aiken, SC
I want to thank "everyone" for all the hard work and time they put into this wonderful Festival. This was my first but not my last visit and enjoyed it so much.
Mr. Boyd, you are a class act my man. All the "celebs" where great, and for me, the discussion panels where the best. Vendors had some neato things to look at, wished I had a $1,000.00, I'd spent every cent.
Will see you and hopefully all the "stars" next year. Can't wait, already saving the dimes and quarters.
Again, Thank you so much for a wonderful week.
It was my first time also and it was wonderful. I went to see James Stacy—a dream come true. But I so enjoyed the others like Darby Hinton, Robert Fuller, William Smith—I will be saving my pennies and nickels because somehow, someway—I will be there again next year. Thanks to all for making this such a memorable trip for me!!
—Take care,dp
This was an awesome festival. Cheyenne, Sugarfoot & Bronco all together—wow! I just loved every minute.
All of the celebrities: James Stacy, Mitch Vogel, Darby Hinton, Jeff Connors, Hugh O'Brian, Robert Fuller, Dirk London, Jan Shepherd, Dick Jones—what a great group of people!
I am most definitely planning to come back next year. Last year was great; this year was awesome—I cannot wait to see what next year brings!
Thank you to everyone!
Wonderful event! Enjoyed each day and am looking forward to next year. ALL the guests were friendly and took time with fans. Each person brought something special to the meeting.
It's a dream come true to see all the WB guys together, and Hugh also. The music and dinner special was great.
My special memory is thanks to Darby Hinton and Johnny Western. Thanks for some very special days with some cool guys and ladies.
—Dixie Deb
Thanks so much to all of you that put so much work into making a most wonderful and enjoyable event. As one of the "Lancer Ladies" I have to say it far exceeded my expectations. We couldn't have felt more welcome and we had so much fun with each other and many, many others. It was a dream come true to meet James Stacy. And all the stars were so gracious and fun. And all the fans were so fun to meet and hang out with too. It was wonderful to meet people from all over the country and the world, all there to enjoy and honor the westerns we all love.
I will always remember and treasure this festival and hope for history to repeat itself next year! Thanks again for everything,
—Mary O
I had a great time at the show, as I always do! The celebrities were very gracious with their time and a pleasure to meet and visit with. I enjoyed getting the chance to chat with Clint Walker, a native of my neck of the woods, and he told me about some of the jobs he used to have before he went west. What a nice fellow!
The dealer room and vendors were top notch, as usual. The titles selected for viewing in the film rooms were great. It was hard to decide which ones to see! The highlight of the show, for me, are the Old Time Radio Re-enactments. Unfortunately, I had other business during the weekend and could only attend the Festival on Friday. So, I missed the banquet and the second radio program, this year. But, I did catch the sing-a-long, the trivia contest, and “The Cisco Kid” radio episode from 1948. The radio show was fantastic and so much fun to watch!
I met several wonderful women that called themselves “Lancer Ladies”. They came from all over the world to meet James Stacy and his brother, Lou Elias. They were so much fun to talk and kid around with. These young ladies were obviously having the time of their lives and their enthusiasm was nothing less than infectious!
I want to thank all of the Western Stars for attending this year's show and all of the event's organizers for their hard work and dedication to the Film Festival and for keeping the spirit of the Wild West alive. Thank You everyone!
—Dave Chasteen

Hi Boyd,
I just wanted to write and tell you the Gathering Of The Guns film festival was the most magical weekend of my life. Not only was I able to finally meet ladies I had known, some for years, as internet friends but the bonus of meeting stars I had grown up with and love, was a dream come true. I will always hold my memories of my time at the festival near and dear, and my new friends too, and I will be anxiously counting the days until next year. Thank you for making my dreams a reality!.
Hi all,
I've just made it home to Brisbane yesterday afternoon after seeing more of your wonderful country with Linda and Karen (as well as a minor hiccup with a plane—the tyre burst on takeoff and we were delayed for 24 hours).
I wanted to thank you for all your help and for your patience with a bunch of screwy ladies who were so very excited to meet James Stacy and all your guests as well as each other. The whole event was wonderfully put together and the banquet was a delight.
I've been with the “Lancer” groups for many years now and had met some of the girls before, but never so many or at such a fabulous event. I'm going to try to come again, finances permitting (LOL) but I do know that there are a lot more of our girls who are now regretting not being there. The word has passed in our groups and apparently other fan groups about the success of the event, so I think you will find yourselves with an even bigger attendance next year. (Worried now? LOL)
Thank you for all the help you gave us and me and for the kindness you showed. Bonnie, from the moment I arrived and we met at the registration, I had a great time. Thank you for your friendship as well.
—Cheers, Ros
'There are no strangers in this world, just friends we've never met.'
Hi Mr. Magers,
My compliments again on the film festival. It was tremendous with a great group of very gracious and friendly actors and entertainers. I really appreciated "Daredevils of the West" as I am a fan of Allan Lane. Having Clint Walker was very special, particularly joining Will Hutchins and Ty Hardin. The conference center staff were very accommodating and I met a lot of wonderful attendees. Loved the television and film showings too. So thank you - I plan on attending next year.
—Lee Fischer
Dear Boyd and Donna,
Just wanted to say ditto to the wonderful letters I just read online. Also, wanted to thank you for procuring "Daredevils..." Was really neat! See you down the trail.
Sincerely, Ken Parke
Dear Boyd (and Ray and wife, Bonnie, and everybody):
I just wanted to let you all know how much I enjoyed the Gathering of Guns Festival. It was certainly more than I imagined it would be. You all did a great job with everything and you should be proud. Being a first time attendee I didn't know what to expect; I didn't know the stars would be so accessible or gracious, but now that I do, I will be more prepared next year.
As a Lancer Lady, the main person I wanted to see was James Stacy, and his panels were the only ones I attended, but I will be sure to attend more next year. I was really impressed with Jan Shepard and her husband Dirk London. Their stories were amazing and the poem Mr. London recited brought tears to my eyes. I know James was awestruck as well, I looked at him and his blue eyes were wide with awe as they told their stories.
My fellow Lancer Ladies were absolutely awesome, I had met some of them before but most I did not, but we left with a feeling of camaraderie and sisterhood. I should say that we are all mature, intelligent women with husbands, kids, jobs, mortgages and everything "real life." It's just that, for some reason, James Stacy makes us feel like care-free teenagers, and that can't be all bad, can it???
Most of all, I would like to thank all of you and the other celebrities for the respect and kindness that was afforded to James. Events in his life have not been fair, but the fact he has come through smiling is proof of his strength and courage. We often write “Lancer” fan fiction with Johnny Lancer being bigger than life and coming through obstacles unscathed, but it is truly James who is bigger than life. And I hope he realizes just how much his tremendous talent is remembered and cherished by his peers, his fans, and the public in general. That should make him proud.
My husband and son want to come next year, I told them they could as long as they don't interfere with James and my Lancer Sisters!!
Again, thank you all for the magical 4 days we had in Memphis. Like I posted on the Lancer convention site, that Monday, my body was in Florida, but my heart was still in Memphis.
With kindest regards,
—Laraine Van Etten
aka Lancer Lady
Hi Boyd,
Thank you for a fabulous 4 days at the Gathering Of Guns, it was great. It was also nice to meet you, Bonnie, Ray and your wife.
—Lyn Pacey, England
I really have to thank you, Ray, your wives, and Bonnie Boyd for a truly awesome and memorable weekend. This was my first festival and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But this surely exceeded any expectations I had. Of course, meeting James was a dream come true, and he is such a wonderful, generous man. Really, no words can describe him and what it felt like to meet and spend time with him and Tig. And then there are the Lancer Ladies. I met some fantastic ladies and made friendships that will last a lifetime—all because James was there. Yes, I've seen the photos on your website and they're fantastic. Thanks for sharing them with all of us.
—Debbie Miller
Dear Ray & Boyd;
Since I didn't get to talk to either of you at the show, I wanted to thank you both for putting together the finest Festival lineup in years and for the nice job presenting this years "Gathering". This was my first year ever to set up as a dealer after collecting for over 35 years, and I was really delighted that you located me right in front of the main three stars I wanted to see - Clint, Will, and Ty. In addition to selling lots of my western comics and collectibles, it was great to be there two days and to have the opportunity to mingle and interact with the stars and the interesting fans from all over the country. I can't tell you how nice everyone was, especially the guest stars, but I am sure you know. Thanks again for the great festival, and for keeping our memories alive!! It is a real treat to return to our childhood heroes once a year and we are Looking forward to next year.
Best Regards, Mike & Rick Hardin
Saltillo, MS.
Thank you so very much for putting together “The Gathering of the Guns II”. It is definitely on my list to do next year! I haven’t had that much fun in a very, very long time! It was truly much more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you for inviting James Stacy for us “Lancer Ladies” aka “Darby’s Darlin’s. All the celebrities were exceptionally wonderful and I especially enjoyed meeting and just hanging out with Darby Hinton & Mitch Vogel. Two really great guys!!!! My brother & sister-in-law really enjoyed themselves too and plan on attending next year! If next year’s festival is any better than this year’s, well I better start saving up now!!!!!! Thanks again for a truly wonderful experience!!!!
—Von Richardson, Mississippi
Lancer Lady
Really sorry that I was unable to make it to this years MMF/GOG as I had previously planned...I am planning to make it to MFF/GOG3rd year, 2011. Several of my friends were there 2009 and 2010 and have shared their many great adventures. These friends are also planning to make it to MFF 2011 too. I have reviewed the celebrity guest list for 2011 and am delighted that you will have Jim, Roberta, Randy and Gary from "The Virginian". I understand they are really great to listen to... "The Virginian" was one of my favorite westerns, am enjoying the reruns on the Western Channel. I am also a fan of Bob Fuller, and heard that he will be back for a 3rd year. I have met Bob on several occasions and he is a gentleman in every sense of the word. I am really impressed with the other celebrities booked. I am very interested in meeting James Stacy at MFF 2011. Looking forward to going to MFF 2011.
Thank you very much for keeping the Westerns Alive!
Take care.
—Diane McAulay, Norco, CA
I was honored to attend the recent Memphis Film Festival with my beautiful daughter and to meet there my longtime internet friend from Alabama and her beautiful daughter who is my daughter's age. (My friend and I refer to ourselves as "cyber-sisters" as we've been close friends for 12 years, but this was the first time we'd met In Real Life.) Now, we'd met because of Bonanza fandom online 12 years ago, and she had dragged me kicking and screaming to watch Laramie about 6 weeks earlier, and I'd fallen for it HARD!! I know am hooked on it pretty severely. How could I not be?? Jess Harper is THE ultimate cowboy! But I digress. Anyway, she and I have a lot in common, and were looking forward to meeting and when she told me that Robert Fuller and James Stacy were going to be at this shindig, and SHE was going to be at this shindig, well, I really wanted to go. All I really hoped to occur there was to meet and hug my cyber-sister and hopefully meet and hug Robert Fuller.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
My daughter Jessica and I were treated to the most fantastic time ever!! It was such a treat to spend 3 days around such wonderful, fabulous people everywhere. Laughing, pleasant, generous, terrific people. I love you all!! Of course, I'm madly in love with Bob Fuller ;-) I was the one sitting to Bob's left when you came and sat with us the last night after the banquet in the lounge when there were about 15 of us sitting around the table. My daughter is the redhead, and Theresa's daughter is the beautiful blonde. The two of them were the 'kissing bandits' who went around kissing the cowboys on either cheek. We got some awesome pictures, and the girls had so much fun all weekend.
Anyway, I won't take up any more of your time, I just wanted to thank you for organizing such a grand event. I spent a lot of time talking to one of the vendors there who has attended 38 of the 39 years of the event. He said he can't remember why he missed one year, but he did. He said it's always so well done; a very class act. So Kudos to you, sir. :-) I'm sure I'll be back. I'll probably save my pennies for when Bob is gonna be there, as my heart belongs to him~sorry ;-).
Thank you for a fabulous time. We have so many great pictures and memories. We still haven't stopped smiling or talking about it yet. I doubt we ever will. Best regards always,
—Gina L. Lloyd
(The Kissing Bandits with Robert Fuller, Will Hutchins, Ty Hardin.)

Just a quick note to thank both of you and the Festival Staff for a wonderful weekend.
I have been unable to attend the festival for a number of years but had to come this year for the showing of "Daredevils of the West". I really enjoyed seeing this rare serial and speaking to James D'Arc of Brigham Young. (I have got to get there sometime to go through the Jack Mathis Collection.)
The panels were great and both of you did a wonderful job. When will these be available on DVD?
The WB stars were all great and it was a true joy to meet and talk with Clint Walker, Ty Hardin and Will Hutchins.
Also, the film selection in the Vern Odell Theatre was first rate...Many titles I had not seen before and it was a pleasure to see a 16mm projector whirring away again.
Thanks again,
—John Hall, Newark, Ohio
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