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Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

Why No Sheena Serial?

Comic books in the ‘40s and ‘50s featured not only Super Heroes, Crime, Western, Horror and Funny Animals but—comics devoted to jungle girls and jungle queens. There was Nyoka (from Fawcett Comics), Lorna The Jungle Girl, Jann of the Jungle, Camilla (Fiction House), Rulah (Fox), Cave Girl (ME), some 31 different jungle girls in all for some 20 years, including… Sheena, Queen of the Jungle from Fiction House. Sheena was in no fewer than 188 Fiction House Comics (JUMBO 1-167), SHEENA (1-18), JUNGLE 158 and KAANGA 16. That’s something like 12 years of Sheena.

There are four well known serials about jungle girls, all from Republic. “Jungle Girl” (‘41) starring Frances Gifford, “Perils of Nyoka” (‘42) starring Kay Aldridge, “The Tiger

Woman” (‘44) starring Linda Stirling and “Panther Girl of the Kongo” (‘55) starring Phyllis Coates. Two lesser known serials were “Queen of the Jungle” (‘35 Screen Attractions) with Mary Kornman and “Jungle Queen” (‘45 Universal) starring Ruth Roman. Gifford was Nyoka in “Jungle Girl” and Aldridge played Nyoka in “Perils of Nyoka”. The only jungle girl serials ever made based on a comic queen. Now, the
question remains, if Sheena was that big, and so many serials were based on comic book characters, why didn’t Republic, Columbia or Universal ever sign up to bring Sheena to the serial screen?

Not to knock Nyoka…77 issues of her own Fawcett title plus 15 Charlton issues and scattered appearances in MASTER COMICS, etc. A total of 177 comic book appearances. Now remember, Sheena was in 188 comics! Why no Sheena serial, it could have been terrific!

On the other hand, Sheena was the only jungle heroine to ever make her mark on TV. Irish McCalla starred in a 26 episode half hour b/w series in ‘55-‘56. Tanya Roberts revived the character for a big screen adaptation in 1984 and, finally, Gena Lee Nolin was Sheena on a forgotten 2000-2002 TV series.

Again, I say the studios missed a bet...


Cheat Endings

At the end of Ch. 8 of “Undersea Kingdom”, Black Robe Lon Chaney Jr. has Crash Corrigan tied to the front of the Juggernaut. As Chaney rams the barred gates of Sharad’s palace you can hear the crash and see the dust as Lois Wilde screams in utter shock! But, in Ch. 9, Billy (Lee Van Atta) hollers to open the gates, which the guards do and there is no crash and no scream!

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