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Roy Rogers says hello to a young fan in a polio iron lung.

Tex Williams and his Western Caravan.

Minnie Pearl, the Duke of Paducah (Whitey Forde), Smiley Burnette, all comics of radio's "Renfro Valley Barn Dance".

Country Music star Porter Wagoner and Tex Ritter in 1973.

The Montana Cowgirls, Ruthie, Laraine and Patsy Montana with Hoot Gibson who hired the trio to perform at rodeos on his ranch.

Gene Autry came to Nashville in 1938 for the opening of his movie "Gold Mine in the Sky". Top, L-R: J. L. Frank (known as The Flo Ziegfeld of country music), MIlton Estes, Sari, Gene Autry, Sally, Jack Scruggs, PeeWee King, Asher Sizemore. (Bottom Row, L-R: Abner Sims, Buddy Sizemore, Daisy Rhodes, Little Jimmy Sizemore, Curley Rhodes.

James Stewart and director Anthony Mann (seated) and other crew members take a break while filiming "Winchester 73".

Dale Robertson in his office at Revue Studios in Hollywood while filming "Tales of Wells Fargo". Dale calls the decor early San Francisco where the Wells Fargo Express Company was headquartered. The horn chair was built in 1861 and is part of Robertson's personal collection of similar furniture. Only the horse and rider staute on his desk and the horn chair were brought in by him, the rest was collected by Revue at Dale's expense. The color motive of the office is red, red, red, the way Robertson likes it. Because "the colors are so warm," he says, "it's a restful place."

Ready for a ride on the Anaheim-Azusa-Cucamonga Hoppyland trolly?

Randolph Scott, cinematoghper Lucien Ballard and director Budd Boetticher while filming one of their excellent Ranown cycle of A-Westerns in the Alabama Hills.

Cute, huh?! Republic star Adele Mara.

During the making of "River of No Return" in 1954. Rory Calhoun celebrated his 32nd birthday with the film's costars Robert Mitchum and Marilyn Monroe. The other two gentlemen are unknown but that's Rory's wife Lita Baron on the right.

Director Sam Peckinpah and star William Holden take a break from filming "The Wild Bunch" for a round of cards.

Comparing six-guns, Warner Bros. stars Wayde Preston ("Colt .45") and James Garner ("Maverick").

Audie Murphy and Felicia Farr take a break from filming "Hell Bent for Leather"
('60 Universal International).

PRC's Bill Boyd.

Just think! If you had all these today, you'd be on easy street.

"High Chaparral" and "Outlaws" star Don Collier with two others at some sort of dedication ceremony.

Jeanne Kelly (aka Jean Brooks) and famed stuntlady Babe de Freest take a lesson in tatting from Lon Chaney Jr. while they take a break from filming "Riders of Death Valley" serial ('40 Universal).

Veteran director Bill Witney and (we understand) a young Cheryl Rogers.

I. Stanford Jolley seems to be taking revenge on Ray "Crash" Corrigan for all those beating Crash gave Jolley in all those Range Buster Westerns at the First Annual (and only) West Coast Western Film Collectors' Festival..

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