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Walter Brennan, Pat Wayne and John Wayne have a chat during a break from filming “Rio Bravo” (‘59 Warner Bros.).

Walter Brennan, Pat Wayne and John Wayne have a chat during a break from filming “Rio Bravo” (‘59 Warner Bros.).

This August 24, 1928, photo of cabaret comedian Will Morrissey and his wife actress Midgie Miller was taken shortly after the couple mixed with Tom Mix during the housewarming party given by actor George Beban. Morrissey said Tom’s horse Tony had a great future in the talkies. He said, “The horse could at least snort, but what could Tom do?” The comedian told police officers he offered to shake hands with Mix when the party broke up but Mix struck him on the jaw instead. Morrissey stated, “I knocked him down twice then the rug slipped from under me. I fell backward and those high heels of Tom’s boots thumped my head like a drum but I got a break—Tony wasn’t there.” Mrs. Morrissey stated her husband was knocked down and Mix “was kicking him horribly. I tried to come to Will’s aid but Mix cracked me in the eye.” Mix said the comedian had been abusive all evening and when the party broke up Morrissey followed him to the door and “swung on me a few times.” Mix said he pushed the comedian away but when Morrissey continued following him and calling insults, he turned and knocked his pursurer down. “Some woman grabbed me but I just shook her off,” Mix said. “I certainly didn’t kick anyone and I didn’t strike any woman.” Mix figured Mrs. Morrissey was probably struck by one of her husband’s wild swings. The Morrisseys were arrested and released on $20 bail each. Apparently Morrissey’s wise cracking was involved in at least two other L.A. court sessions, one bringing a contempt charge for the actor.

This August 24, 1928, photo of cabaret comedian Will Morrissey and his wife actress Midgie Miller was taken shortly after the couple mixed with Tom Mix during the housewarming party given by actor George Beban. Morrissey said Tom’s horse Tony had a great future in the talkies. He said, “The horse could at least snort, but what could Tom do?” The comedian told police officers he offered to shake hands with Mix when the party broke up but Mix struck him on the jaw instead. Morrissey stated, “I knocked him down twice then the rug slipped from under me. I fell backward and those high heels of Tom’s boots thumped my head like a drum but I got a break—Tony wasn’t there.” Mrs. Morrissey stated her husband was knocked down and Mix “was kicking him horribly. I tried to come to Will’s aid but Mix cracked me in the eye.” Mix said the comedian had been abusive all evening and when the party broke up Morrissey followed him to the door and “swung on me a few times.” Mix said he pushed the comedian away but when Morrissey continued following him and calling insults, he turned and knocked his pursurer down. “Some woman grabbed me but I just shook her off,” Mix said. “I certainly didn’t kick anyone and I didn’t strike any woman.” Mix figured Mrs. Morrissey was probably struck by one of her husband’s wild swings. The Morrisseys were arrested and released on $20 bail each. Apparently Morrissey’s wise cracking was involved in at least two other L.A. court sessions, one bringing a contempt charge for the actor.

Robert Pershing Wadlow, the tallest man in the world, with the Sons of the Pioneers circa late ‘30s. Roy Rogers bottom right. Wadlow was 8'11". (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Robert Pershing Wadlow, the tallest man in the world, with the Sons of the Pioneers circa late ‘30s. Roy Rogers bottom right. Wadlow was 8'11". (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Montie Montana on his horse Rex treats a guest to a ride into the Palm Springs El Mirador dining room in the mid-‘50s.

Montie Montana on his horse Rex treats a guest to a ride into the Palm Springs El Mirador dining room in the mid-‘50s.

Rex Bell does a little electioneering in 1955. Bell was Nevada Lt. Governor from 1955-1962. (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Rex Bell does a little electioneering in 1955. Bell was Nevada Lt. Governor from
1955-1962. (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Gail Davis as Annie Oakley and Gene Autry ‘play doctor’ while visiting a children’s hospital in the ‘50s. (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Gail Davis as Annie Oakley and Gene Autry ‘play doctor’ while visiting a children’s hospital in the ‘50s. (Thanx to Bobby Copeland.)

Hugh O’Brian, John Lupton and Clint Walker promote ABC’s 1956 lineup of Westerns: “Wyatt Earp”, “Broken Arrow” and “Cheyenne”.

Hugh O’Brian, John Lupton and Clint Walker promote ABC’s 1956 lineup of Westerns: “Wyatt Earp”, “Broken Arrow” and “Cheyenne”.

Director James Sheldon gives a few pointers to Brenda Scott and Doug McClure during the filming of “The Virginian: Dark Destiny” (‘64).

Director James Sheldon gives a few pointers to Brenda Scott and Doug McClure during the filming of “The Virginian: Dark Destiny” (‘64).

Richard Boone and director Ida Lupino work on a scene for “Have Gun Will Travel”.

Richard Boone and director Ida Lupino work on a scene for “Have Gun Will Travel”.

James Arness and director Andrew McLaglen on the set of “Gunsmoke”.

James Arness and director Andrew McLaglen on the set of “Gunsmoke”.

Dale Robertson relaxes on the set of “Tales of Wells Fargo”.

Dale Robertson relaxes on the set of “Tales of Wells Fargo”.

Tom Tryon (“Texas John Slaughter”) and Jan Merlin (“Rough Riders”) pose together at a 1958 charity event. The pair had previously worked together on “Screaming Eagles” in 1956.

Tom Tryon (“Texas John Slaughter”) and Jan Merlin (“Rough Riders”) pose together at a 1958 charity event. The pair had previously worked together on “Screaming Eagles” in 1956.

Actor Don Murray and Hollywood’s leading technical expert on weapons, Rodd Redwing, work on a scene for “From Hell to Texas” (‘58). In the movie Rodd fired live ammo from a .30 caliber M1 into a watering trough behind which Murray was hiding. Midway through the trough Rodd had placed a steel plate to stop the bullets. The holes and spurs of water that resulted made the scene very realistic. Then as Murray ran from behind the trough Rodd expertly followed him with a barrage that kicked up dust just inches from Murray’s heels.

Actor Don Murray and Hollywood’s leading technical expert on weapons, Rodd Redwing, work on a scene for “From Hell to Texas” (‘58). In the movie Rodd fired live ammo from a .30 caliber M1 into a watering trough behind which Murray was hiding. Midway through the trough Rodd had placed a steel plate to stop the bullets. The holes and spurs of water that resulted made the scene very realistic. Then as Murray ran from behind the trough Rodd expertly followed him with a barrage that kicked up dust just inches from Murray’s heels.

Ty Hardin relaxes with his guitar on the set of Warner Bros.’ “Bronco” in 1960.

Ty Hardin relaxes with his guitar on the set of Warner Bros.’ “Bronco” in 1960.

Wayde Preston chats with a visitor on the set of his “Colt .45” in 1959.

Wayde Preston chats with a visitor on the set of his “Colt .45” in 1959.

Peter Breck as Doc Holliday and Jack Kelly as Bart Maverick vye for the affections of Jolene Brand on the set of “Maverick: Technical Error” (11/61).

Peter Breck as Doc Holliday and Jack Kelly as Bart Maverick vye for the affections of Jolene Brand on the set of “Maverick: Technical Error” (11/61).

Jack Warner and his panoply of stars on the Warner Bros. backlot in 1961. (See star identification in three photos below.)

Jack Warner and his panoply of stars on the Warner Bros. backlot in 1961.
(See star identification in three photos below.)

(L-R) Roger Moore, Ray Danton (?), Lee Patterson, unknown, Donald May, Gary Vinson, Effrem Zimbalist Jr., Poncie Ponce, Robert Logan, Connie Stevens, Sammy Jackson, Peter Brown, Clint Walker, Margarita Sierra, Will Hutchins, unknown.

(L-R) Roger Moore, Ray Danton (?), Lee Patterson, unknown, Donald May, Gary Vinson, Effrem Zimbalist Jr., Poncie Ponce, Robert Logan, Connie Stevens, Sammy Jackson, Peter Brown, Clint Walker, Margarita Sierra, Will Hutchins, unknown.

Max Baer Jr., Dorothy Provine, Rex Reason, John Russell, Peggie Castle, Bill Orr, Angie Dickinson, Anthony Eisley, Jack Warner, Jack Kelly, Natalie Wood, Andrew Duggan, Hugh Benson, Richard Long, Diane McBain, Robert Colbert, Edd Byrnes.

Max Baer Jr., Dorothy Provine, Rex Reason, John Russell, Peggie Castle, Bill Orr, Angie Dickinson, Anthony Eisley, Jack Warner, Jack Kelly, Natalie Wood, Andrew Duggan, Hugh Benson, Richard Long, Diane McBain, Robert Colbert, Edd Byrnes.

Unknown, Sharon Hugueny, Robert Conrad, Ty Hardin, Van Williams, Jacqueline Beer, Roger Smith, Louie Quinn, Troy Donahue, Joanna Barnes, Grant Williams, unknown, Peggy McKay, Arlene Howell, children unknown, unknown.

Unknown, Sharon Hugueny, Robert Conrad, Ty Hardin, Van Williams, Jacqueline Beer, Roger Smith, Louie Quinn, Troy Donahue, Joanna Barnes, Grant Williams, unknown, Peggy McKay, Arlene Howell, children unknown, Roger Moore.

Three badmen! Bill Catching, Zachary Scott and John Cason in “Schlitz Playhouse of Stars: Pearl Handled Guns” (1/15/54).

Three badmen! Bill Catching, Zachary Scott and John Cason in “Schlitz Playhouse of Stars: Pearl Handled Guns” (1/15/54).

William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy chats with a group of youngsters on September 28, 1943.

William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy chats with a group of youngsters on
September 28, 1943.

(L-R) William S. Hart, Mary Pickford with filmmakers Jesse Lasky and  Cecil B. DeMille.

(L-R) William S. Hart, Mary Pickford with filmmakers Jesse Lasky and
Cecil B. DeMille.

Hoot Gibson and Dorothy Dunstan flew in to join Hal Ramsey’s Rodeo Troupers in Springfield, MO, in May 1942, for the World Championship Rodeo under sponsorship of the Memphis Exchange Club.

Hoot Gibson and Dorothy Dunstan flew in to join Hal Ramsey’s Rodeo Troupers in Springfield, MO, in May 1942, for the World Championship Rodeo under sponsorship of the Memphis Exchange Club.

Cesar Romero as the Cisco Kid poses with a group of ladies in 1940.

Cesar Romero as the Cisco Kid poses with a group of ladies in 1940.

Ben Murphy of “Alias Smith and Jones” signs an autograph book for an Air New Zealand stewardess. (Thanx to Terry Cutts.)

Ben Murphy of “Alias Smith and Jones” signs an autograph book for an Air New Zealand stewardess. (Thanx to Terry Cutts.)

 Errol Flynn arrives at the Tucson airport for his role in “Playhouse 90: Without Incident” in 1957.


Errol Flynn arrives at the Tucson airport for his role in
“Playhouse 90: Without Incident” in 1957.






Adrian Booth takes a bike ride around the Republic backlot in 1946.

Adrian Booth takes a bike ride around the Republic backlot in 1946.

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